Putin and Trump talked briefly at G20 summit – Kremlin

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin briefly spoke at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, according to the Kremlin. Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov said on Saturday that the two leaders had a brief meeting on the sidelines of the summit. Ushakov also said that he met with US National Security Advisor John […]

US Special Advisor to Afghanistan plans Moscow trip as Taliban gains ground – Kremlin

Published time: 12 Nov, 2018 09:03 Edited time: 12 Nov, 2018 09:15 After years of struggle against the Taliban in Afghanistan, US special adviser Zalmay Khalilzad is planning to visit Russia to discuss a peace settlement, his Russian counterpart Zamir Kabulov said on Monday. DETAILS TO FOLLOW Let’s block ads! (Why?)

We want to believe: ‘Russian hacking’ memo REVEALS how US intel pinned leaks to Kremlin

A newly-out memo containing the Obama admin’s talking points about “Russian hacking” in the 2016 election reveals how US spy agencies attributed email leaks to Kremlin by saying it’s “consistent” with what they think Russia does. The seven-page document was contained within the 49 pages published on Friday by BuzzFeed, which obtained them through a […]

US withdrawal from INF treaty would make the world a more dangerous place – Kremlin

The US’ intention to quit the landmark INF treaty is of serious concern, as by doing so Washington would make the world a more dangerous place, Russian Presidential Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said. If indeed Washington turns its back on the landmark 1987 agreement, the ban on the production of short and intermediate range missiles would […]

UK’s suspects Petrov & Boshirov have no ties to Kremlin – Putin spokesman

The two men named by the UK as suspects in the poisoning of double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia – Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov – are not linked to the Kremlin or the Russian President Vladimir Putin in any way, the president’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told journalists. Putin earlier commented on the […]

Spanish spin? NYT proposes strained Kremlin motive in Skripal case, but analysts don't buy it

The Gray Lady has put some fresh spin on the Skripal saga, with the paper saying the ex-spy may have been a target for Moscow-linked mobsters in Spain. But experts told RT they’re still waiting for evidence of Kremlin involvement. The New York Times article, which cites anonymous sources, claims that Sergei Skripal, a former Russian […]

Leading Brexit campaigners held secret meetings with Russian officials arranged by suspected Kremlin spy before referendum, report says

Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Explosive emails suggest the Brexit campaign’s biggest donor met with Kremlin-linked figures multiple times before the referendum. The emails, seen by the Sunday Times, alleged that Arron Banks, the millionaire businessman who funded Brexit campaign group Leave.EU, was reportedly offered a business deal involving six Russian goldmines. It forms part of a mounting pile […]

Grammar mistakes mean you're a paid Kremlin troll, says Atlantic Council fellow

If you’re a Russian immigrant in the United States — or anywhere else — don’t bother tweeting your opinions unless your English is flawless. Otherwise you’ll be branded a Kremlin-paid troll by influential American think tanks. Eagle-eyed Ben Nimmo, a fellow at the Atlantic Council, has tweeted advice for Twitter users to help them identify […]

Russian ships are skulking around undersea cables that power the internet, causing the US to worry the Kremlin is finding a new way to spy

Scanpix Denmark/Sarah Christine Noergaard via Reuters Russian ships have recently been active in the vicinity of vital undersea fiber-optic cables that power the internet, texts, calls, and the world’s financial transactions. The US and its allies worry the Kremlin might be taking information warfare to new depths. A naval commander said the US hadn’t seen […]

Manipulative media monopoly: Kremlin spokesman says US & UK press has ruled world for decades

Media outlets based in the US and Britain have long enjoyed dominance in the global news market and have abused their position to manipulate audiences, a Kremlin spokesman told RT in an exclusive interview. Russia is currently being targeted by an unprecedented campaign in the West, aimed at undermining its resurgence, Dmitry Peskov told RT’s […]