‘I never said fast or slow’: Trump has vague timeline for ‘sand and death’ Syria withdrawal

President Donald Trump told reporters that his planned withdrawal of US troops from Syria would take place over an unspecified “period of time,” adding that previous reports of a withdrawal within four months were false. The president announced the pullout from Syria on Christmas Eve, leaving Turkish forces to “eradicate whatever is left of ISIS” […]

Trump says he doesn’t know top US official leading the fight against ISIS, calls him a ‘grandstander’ for resigning over Syria troop withdrawal

Associated Press/Evan Vucci President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday evening that he didn’t know Brett McGurk, the top US official leading the fight against ISIS. Trump called McGurk a “grandstander” for resigning over Trump’s recent decision to withdraw 2,000 troops from Syria. McGurk reportedly told his colleagues in an email on Friday that he could not […]

Trump says anyone else but himself would be media’s ‘hero’ for Syria withdrawal

US President Donald Trump has complained that he receives the wrong kind of special treatment from the mainstream media. Anybody else, he says, would be hailed a hero for pulling 2,000 US troops out of the war in Syria. If anybody but your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, announced that, after decimating ISIS in Syria, […]

US preparing for complete military withdrawal from Syria – reports

Published time: 19 Dec, 2018 14:25 Edited time: 19 Dec, 2018 14:32 Washington is planning to “rapidly” pull out all its troops from Syria, various media outlets have reported, citing US officials The decision was allegedly taken by President Donald Trump himself, who repeatedly expressed his intent to get out of the Arab Republic earlier. […]

US withdrawal from INF treaty would make the world a more dangerous place – Kremlin

The US’ intention to quit the landmark INF treaty is of serious concern, as by doing so Washington would make the world a more dangerous place, Russian Presidential Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said. If indeed Washington turns its back on the landmark 1987 agreement, the ban on the production of short and intermediate range missiles would […]

Trump’s ‘withdrawal symptom’ & itch for ‘better deals’ destabilizes global order

By scrapping the crucial Cold War era nuclear agreement Trump is destabilizing global security, even if his ultimate goal is to negotiate a ‘better deal’ and to include other parties like China, geopolitical experts have told RT. “The United States would rather pull out because of China. Right now it cannot develop new intermediate-range missiles […]

Colombia announces withdrawal from South American bloc conceived to counter US

The Colombian president has said a letter has been sent to the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) announcing his country’s withdrawal, meaning Bogota will officially cut loose from the bloc in six months. Newly sworn-in Colombian President Ivan Duque announced on Monday that his country has started a formal withdrawal process stipulated by the […]

Germans favor withdrawal of US troops, not paying more for US ‘protection’ – poll

Almost every second German favors the withdrawal of US forces based there, according to a poll taken prior to the NATO summit, at which Donald Trump accused Berlin of relying on Washington’s protection and not contributing enough. Some 42 percent of Germans are ready to see 35,000 US troops return home, a new YouGov poll, […]

Serena Williams QUITS French Open: Reason for shock Sharapova match withdrawal revealed

The 23-time Grand Slam champion was set to take to the court to face arch rival Maria Sharapova on Philippe Chatrier today. But the American was struggling with injury and she dramatically pulled out less than an hour before the match was due to start. A press conference was immediately called where Williams revealed all […]

Trump’s Syria withdrawal plan: Arab occupational force – and Arabs will pay for it

Washington reportedly wants Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar to replace the US in terms of troop deployments and funding in “stabilizing northeastern Syria,” according to the Wall Street Journal. The US currently has two major points of military presence on the ground in Syria: one on the border with Jordan in the south and […]