Trump says he doesn’t know top US official leading the fight against ISIS, calls him a ‘grandstander’ for resigning over Syria troop withdrawal

Associated Press/Evan Vucci President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday evening that he didn’t know Brett McGurk, the top US official leading the fight against ISIS. Trump called McGurk a “grandstander” for resigning over Trump’s recent decision to withdraw 2,000 troops from Syria. McGurk reportedly told his colleagues in an email on Friday that he could not […]

Pentagon scrubs Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria troop numbers from latest report

The Pentagon’s quarterly report on the number of American troops serving overseas was released this week. Curiously, troop numbers for Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq were omitted from the report. Read more The report, released by the Defense Manpower Data Center, lists the number of armed-forces personnel in each state, and in each country overseas. The […]

Pentagon quadruples troop levels in Syria to ‘stabilize’ liberated areas

Published time: 7 Dec, 2017 07:39 Edited time: 7 Dec, 2017 07:58 The US military has increased the number of troops in Syria from 500 to 2,000, the Pentagon says, adding that the “conditions-based” military presence is justified by the need to “stabilize” liberated areas. The Pentagon has officially announced that there are now 2,000 […]

‘Pentagon may mask real troop number in Syria, Iraq to avoid outcry from war-weary public’

The American public is exhausted by wars. However, the US has a lot of generals who would be more prone to pursuing military solutions or having a military build-up in the foreign countries, says Middle East analyst Ali Rizk. The US could have more forces in Syria and Iraq than it has previously admitted, according […]

US State Dept cautions Iraqi govt against troop advances in Kurdish territory

Published time: 20 Oct, 2017 23:28 Edited time: 20 Oct, 2017 23:29 The US State Department is advising Iraq’s federal authority to limit its military activity in the country’s Kurdish northern region, as it also calls for “all parties to cease all violence” in the wake of violence in the town of Altun Kupri. On […]

US troop deployments to Afghanistan have been delayed by hurricane-relief efforts

Staff Sgt. Jonathan Shaw U.S. military assistance for hurricane relief efforts has delayed the deployment of additional forces to Afghanistan, the Pentagon said on Thursday. “Forces are flowing to Afghanistan, they have been slightly delayed by ongoing hurricane relief efforts,” Lieutenant General Kenneth McKenzie, joint staff director, told reporters. U.S. officials have told Reuters that […]

Voters divided on American troop increase in Afghanistan – poll

Almost a half of American voters support President Donald Trump’s plan to increase troops in Afghanistan, while almost the same number oppose the plan, a new poll showed. Of those polled, 45 percent of voters support Trump’s plan to increase troops while 41 percent oppose the step, according to a Politico/Morning Consult poll released on […]

Trump calls on May to join Afghan troop surge… but what can cash-strapped Britain contribute?

British troops could once again march into the ‘graveyard of empires’ as US President Donald Trump packs on the pressure for a coalition surge in Afghanistan – despite a yawning black hole in Britain’s defense budget. Prime Minister Theresa May is under pressure to follow the White House U-turn on ending ‘the good war’ in […]

It turns out Trump didn’t give Mattis full control of troop levels in Afghanistan

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Last month, President Donald Trump gave Defense Secretary James Mattis complete authority to set troop levels in Afghanistan. But apparently that’s not the case. Shortly after Trump gave Mattis full authority to set troop levels, National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster sent a memo around the White House saying that the Pentagon […]

Pentagon signs new defense deal with UAE over US troop presense

Published time: 16 May, 2017 22:56 The US and the United Arab Emirates have signed a new agreement that would dictate “the magnitude and conditions” of the US military in the UAE, allowing the United States to send more troops and equipment to the region. On Monday, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis met with Crown Prince […]