30 Russian children born to ISIS parents & kept in Iraqi jail at last get to return home

A plane carrying 30 Russian children, some as young as three years old, who had been kept in a Baghdad prison together with their Islamic State-linked mothers, has landed in Moscow. Flying from Baghdad to Moscow were 16 girls and 14 boys, who are now undergoing medical checks at Moscow’s Center for Children’s Health. Twenty-four […]

Trump didn’t meet Iraqi leadership during surprise visit due to ‘disagreements’

Published time: 26 Dec, 2018 22:10 Edited time: 26 Dec, 2018 22:24 A meeting between US President Donald Trump, who made a surprise visit to Iraq, and the country’s leadership has been scrapped, after the sides failed to agree on how and where to organize the talks. “A disagreement over how to conduct the meeting […]

6.1 earthquake strikes western Iran near Iraqi border

Published time: 25 Aug, 2018 22:44 Edited time: 25 Aug, 2018 22:56 A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.1 has struck western Iran, near the border with Iraq, according to the US Geological Survey. The quake struck some 31 kilometers from Javanrud, Kermanshah province, at a depth of 10 kilometers, USGS reports. There were […]

Iraqi PM & Shia cleric announce alliance between their political parties

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr have announced that their political blocs will enter into an alliance. The move between Abadi’s Victory Alliance and Sadr’s Saeroon will “cross sectarian and ethnic divisions,” the leaders said during a news conference on Saturday. It remains unclear whether the two parties will be working […]

Turkish Air Force jets target Kurdish PKK gathering in Iraqi mountains

Turkish Air Force jets have struck a meeting of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) members, including high-ranking officials, close to the Iraq-Iran border, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told Kanal 7 television. “With the latest operations, we struck a very important meeting point of theirs. We haven’t received the results yet, but it is certain that they […]

Iraqi court sentences 16 Turkish women to death over ISIS membership

Iraq’s Central Criminal Court has issued death sentences to 16 Turkish women, a judiciary spokesman said. They were found guilty of joining Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and aiding terrorists in their attacks. The women were convicted to death by hanging after “it was proven they belong to the Daesh terrorist group and after they […]

Iraqi troops advance into desert amid anti-ISIS offensive near Saudi Arabian border

The Iraqi army’s chief of operations Major-General Mahmoud al-Falahi said the troops have started an operation to drive Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) from the desert areas of Anbar province, which borders Saudi Arabia, Al-Sumaria TV channel reports. “The army, police, tribal and border forces, backed by the international coalition, began this morning a large […]

Trump claimed the US ‘foolishly released’ hundreds of terrorists — here’s how ISIS’s leader got out of Iraqi jail

REUTERS/Leah Millis In President Trump’s 2018 State of the Union Address, he mentioned that the US military captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi but released him. This may have been a surprise to many watching. “We have foolishly released hundreds and hundreds of dangerous terrorists, only to meet them again on the battlefield — including the ISIS […]

US-led coalition bombs Iraqi police in fatal friendly fire incident

A number of Iraqi security forces have been killed in an airstrike carried out by US-led coalition forces near a US airbase, Iraqi officials say, adding that the victims were mistaken for militants. The incident took place in the town of al-Baghdadi, 170km north-west of Baghdad. The town hosts Al Asad Airbase, operated by US […]

Iraqi WMDs were not fake news, but RT is… because US govt says so

The same US intelligence agencies that fed mainstream media the narrative about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction should be trusted when they say RT’s critical reporting is propaganda, according to a BBC-hosted panel on fake news. The four-person panel discussed the phenomenon of fake news on the sidelines of the Davos Economic Forum on Wednesday. […]