Trump says he doesn’t know top US official leading the fight against ISIS, calls him a ‘grandstander’ for resigning over Syria troop withdrawal

Associated Press/Evan Vucci President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday evening that he didn’t know Brett McGurk, the top US official leading the fight against ISIS. Trump called McGurk a “grandstander” for resigning over Trump’s recent decision to withdraw 2,000 troops from Syria. McGurk reportedly told his colleagues in an email on Friday that he could not […]

Testing presidential waters? Haley spoke to secretive conservative group before resigning UN

A week before leaving the Trump administration, Nikki Haley spoke to the neocon group – Council for National Policy – lending weight to the prospect of a 2020 candidacy while touting her record as a warmonger’s warmonger. The secretive, heavily evangelical CNP has developed a reputation for anointing Republican presidents. Donald Trump and George W. […]

How Hope Hicks ended up on Air Force One with Trump last weekend after resigning from the White House months ago

Former White House communications director Hope Hicks was spotted at President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Ohio during the weekend. Hicks had planned to spend her weekend with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, but Trump got wind that she was in town and insisted she join him, according to a Vanity Fair report published Monday. […]

Trump tweet: EPA head Scott Pruitt is resigning

Enlarge / Former administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt. (credit: Getty Images) On Thursday, President Trump tweeted that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt had submitted his resignation. Pruitt had been considered among the most loyal of Trump’s appointees, but the former Oklahoma Attorney General made headlines over the past several months with […]

White House comms director Hope Hicks resigning

White House communications director Hope Hicks is resigning. This comes a day after she testified before the House Intelligence Committee that she had told “white lies” on the job, according to media citing inside sources. “There are no words to adequately express my gratitude to President Trump. I wish the president and his administration the […]

Mattress Firm president and CEO Ken Murphy is resigning

Shutterstock Ken Murphy, the president and CEO of the retailer Mattress Firm, is stepping down, the executive said in a statement released on Friday. Murphy will leave the company in March. His resignation follows admissions of accounting irregularities from Mattress Firm’s parent company, Steinhoff International, whose CEO resigned in December 2017. Mattress Firm’s executive chairman […]

White House Deputy Chief of Staff Rick Dearborn is resigning

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Rick Dearborn, who serves as White House deputy chief of staff, will resign in 2018. Dearborn worked closely with chief of staff John Kelly, focusing on public outreach and legislative affairs. The announcement of his departure is the latest in a long line of White House officials who have left the Trump […]

Tillerson refutes reports that he considered resigning, says Trump is ‘smart’ but doesn’t deny calling him a ‘moron’ in wild press conference

Thomson Reuters Secretary of State Rex Tillerson denied news reports that said he considered leaving the administration during an unusual press briefing on Wednesday morning.  In a short statement, Tillerson said that a report that he had openly criticized President Donald Trump after a meeting with his national security team and Cabinet officials at the Pentagon were “petty” […]

Cristiano Ronaldo: Manchester United have second thoughts on re-signing Real Marid star

The world player of the year is angling to leave Real Madrid after being accused of a £13m tax evasion by Spanish authorities. Sources close to Ronaldo insist he is keen to return to Old Trafford eight years after he left for the Bernabeu in a then world-record £80m transfer fee. But even though at […]

Cristiano Ronaldo: Manchester United give up on re-signing Real Madrid star

Cristiano Ronaldo inspired Real Madrid to back-to-back Champions League titles after scoring twice in their 4-1 win over Juventus on Saturday in Cardiff. The Portuguese superstar has gone from strength to strength ever since sealing an £80million switch to the Bernabeu from United in 2009. United fans have always hoped Ronaldo, who reached the landmark […]