Star Wars 9 ‘leaks’: Rey scene with ANAKIN Skywalker ‘like a horror movie’? Latest rumour

Star Wars 9 is out in December and is widely expected to finally announce its title – and potentially drop a first teaser trailer – this Friday. Very little is currently known for sure about the film’s plot, but it has been theorised by fans that Anakin Skywalker could return as a fitting way to […]

Star Wars 9 leaks: ‘Kylo Ren and Rey lightsaber battle’ with THIS big twist in Episode IX

In just six days fans should get their first official look at Episode IX. The Star Wars 9 panel at Star Wars Celebration in Chicago next Friday is expected to unveil the first teaser trailer or footage. After The Last Jedi denied fans the sight of a single (real) lightsaber battle, will the final film in the main franchise deliver […]

Star Wars 9 leaks: Scene shows THESE characters united in Millennium Falcon amid climax

The movie – still officially untitled – is released this December, and new details are finally expected to emerge at Star Wars Celebration next week. But ahead of that, a blink-and-you-miss-it sneak peek was seemingly shown to attendees of CinemaCon. And the good news is that many of our favourites will be back in one […]

James Bond 25 title LEAKS for Daniel Craig’s final 007 movie? No, it’s NOT Shatterhand

Principal photography on James Bond 25 is set to begin next month and we still don’t have a title or cast announcement. The working title on Daniel Craig’s fifth and final 007 outing is Shatterhand, however, producer Barbara Broccoli has confirmed this is not the title on Bond 25. Nevertheless, a new working title has […]

Star Wars 9 leaks: Shock Rey scene ‘with ANAKIN Skywalker’? Rumoured Force Ghost moment

Alleged details have emerged online suggesting there will be a very brief nod to the lead character of the prequel trilogy in the upcoming film. Star Wars 9 is due out at the end of the year and, throughout the filming process, a barrage of so-called leaks have emerged on the internet – all of […]

Star Wars 9 leaks: Major scene hints from 'FINAL filming days' amid title and trailer wait

Images have emerged on social media, claiming to be of the blockbuster’s set in Black Park. The location is in Buckinghamshire near Slough and has long been rumbled as a site being used by writer-director JJ Abrams for some major sequences in the sequel trilogy finale. This latest crop of images and videos suggests we’re […]

Star Wars 9 leaks: Title is ‘BLEAK, dark’ – and the First Order will have BIG advantage

Of course, posts claiming to be leaks and spoilers pop up on sites like Reddit all the time – and ultimately there’s no foolproof way to differentiate the genuine from the hoaxers. So treat this as part of the fun of speculation for now, without any real indicators from Lucasfilm to verify it. User PlanetOfMisfitSoldrs […]

New batch of ‘Integrity Initiative’ leaks reveal military ties & effort to infiltrate European media

It’s been over a month since hackers began exposing the Scotland-based ‘Integrity Initiative’ as a UK government-funded propaganda outfit — and gradually new details of the organization’s clandestine activities have come to light. The documents were leaked by a group which claims to be associated with the Anonymous hackers. The first batch of leaks revealed the Integrity […]

UFC legend’s sex tape leaks

A sex tape involving UFC legend Randy Couture has leaked online. In the video, Couture holds a camera in one hand and pleasures himself with his other. No one else appears in the video, which is being featured on popular porn-tube sites, according to MMAWeekly. In the video, Couture’s distinct rib tattoo is distinguishable. Couture, […]