Japan pledges $2 billion in funding for pandemic vaccine research initiative

The Japanese government has earmarked $ 2 billion in funding for vaccine research in an effort to make sure its country is better prepared for any future pandemic, according to Nature. Japan lagged behind other countries not just in developing vaccines, but also in approving them when it came to COVID-19. As the publication points […]

Penske Media Corporation Launches ‘Hail the Heroes’ Initiative With Team Rubicon to Thank Frontline Workers and Raise Funds for COVID-19 Relief

TVLine and our parent company Penske Media Corporation have launched Hail the Heroes, a thank you initiative to raise funds for Team Rubicon and their efforts around the COVID-19 crisis. Leaders from across PMC’s portfolio of media brands have joined together with stars in the entertainment, fashion, beauty, sports, music, and art industries to express […]

President poised to sign bill creating quantum computing initiative

Visions of an American quantum computing initiative are close to becoming a practical reality. The House of Representatives has passed its version of a bill that would establish a National Quantum Initiative Program and speed up the development of next-generation computing technology. Provided the President signs it into law (it cleared the Senate last week), […]

New batch of ‘Integrity Initiative’ leaks reveal military ties & effort to infiltrate European media

It’s been over a month since hackers began exposing the Scotland-based ‘Integrity Initiative’ as a UK government-funded propaganda outfit — and gradually new details of the organization’s clandestine activities have come to light. The documents were leaked by a group which claims to be associated with the Anonymous hackers. The first batch of leaks revealed the Integrity […]

Domino's fixes roads with ‘Paving for Pizza’ initiative

Autoblog ist jetzt Teil der Oath-Familie. Nach EU-Datenschutzgesetzen benötigen wir (Oath), unsere Anbieter und Partner Ihre Einwilligung, um auf Ihrem Gerät Cookies zu speichern, um Ihre Such-, Standort- und Browsing-Daten zu verwenden, Ihre Interessen zu verstehen und Anzeigen auf unseren Produkten zu personalisieren und zu messen. Oath stellt Ihnen auch personalisierte Anzeigen auf den Produkten […]

Deadpool Wears Pink to Raise Funds for ‘F–k Cancer’ Initiative

Wade Wilson is not a fan of cancer. So it’s no surprise that Deadpool has partnered with Omaze in a fundraising campaign to fight the disease. The Merc with a Mouth released a Deadpool Omaze campaign video to raise funds for an initiative appropriately titled “F–k Cancer.” Donning a super-pink suit in place of his […]

Your guide to 2018 Russian presidential election candidates: 3. Ksenia Sobchak (Civic Initiative)

Russians will be choosing between eight presidential candidates on March 18, and Ksenia Sobchak is the newcomer of the lot. A socialite and candidate “against all,” she also owes a debt to her chief rival, Vladimir Putin. Who? Ksenia Sobchak Party? Civic Initiative What is her background? Sobchak has a very interesting past. Leningrad-born with […]

Will China’s Belt and Road Initiative outdo the Marshall Plan?

SEVENTY years ago America passed the Economic Co-operation Act, better known as the Marshall Plan. Drawing inspiration from a speech at Harvard University by George Marshall, America’s secretary of state, it aimed to revive Europe’s war-ravaged economies. Almost five years ago, at a more obscure institution of higher learning, Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan, China’s president, […]