New batch of ‘Integrity Initiative’ leaks reveal military ties & effort to infiltrate European media

It’s been over a month since hackers began exposing the Scotland-based ‘Integrity Initiative’ as a UK government-funded propaganda outfit — and gradually new details of the organization’s clandestine activities have come to light. The documents were leaked by a group which claims to be associated with the Anonymous hackers. The first batch of leaks revealed the Integrity […]

US and South Korean forces reportedly carried out a training drill to infiltrate North Korea and take out its nukes

US Army Photo by Pfc. Isaiah Scott The US and South Korea reportedly trained to ‘infiltrate’ North Korea and remove its weapons of mass destruction. If war broke out between the US, its allies, and North Korea, this would be a vital early step. Video shows US troops participating in the drill, which followed an […]

New Trump-Russia emails suggest Moscow’s attempt to infiltrate Trump’s campaign may have gone further than we thought

AP Photo/Alex Brandon Trump campaign foreign-policy adviser George Papadopoulos reportedly tried to set up multiple Trump-Russia meetings during the campaign. His efforts and contacts with the Russians highlight a common intelligence-gathering technique used by Moscow. National security experts say this is “definitely not the last we’ll hear” of lower-level aides being in contact with Russia. […]

Russia tried to cozy up to Trump advisers to infiltrate the campaign

REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin Russia sought to gain influence with the Trump campaign during last year’s presidential election, in part by cozying up with campaign officials, according to a new report from CNN. As part of Russia’s attempts to influence the US election, Kremlin operatives singled out specific Trump advisers — such as Carter Page, a one-time […]