‘Troika of tyranny’: US sanctions entirety of Venezuela, warns Cuba & Nicaragua ‘you're next’

The US is slapping far-reaching sanctions on Venezuela in its bid to re-assert hemispheric dominance over what National Security Advisor Bolton dubbed a “Troika of tyranny” in a groan-worthy throwback to Bush’s “axis of evil.” Trump has authorized even stricter sanctions against Venezuela, ostensibly targeting the country’s gold sector but actually going after anyone and […]

Think You're Immune to BS? Nope, We All Fall for the Pseudo-Profound

Where do you go for inspiration? And where do you go to avoid it? In the good ol’ days before the internet, inspiration — at least in the form of motivational quotes and self-help wisdom — was reassuringly quarantined. Only if you ventured into a Christian bookstore, a college dorm room (with its life-size Albert […]

Mini stroke symptoms: Seven signs there's a problem and you're at risk of having a stroke

Mini strokes are also known as a TIA – a transient ischaemic attack. Like strokes, a TIA is caused by a blood clot blocking an artery leading to the brain. The main symptoms are the same as those of a stroke, and usually begin suddenly. The difference is the symptoms only last for a few […]

What should you do if you're injured abroad? How to deal with an accident and make a claim

Holidays can quickly be ruined when an accident occurs abroad, leaving many confused and out of pocket when trying to fix the problem. Despite a rise in fake holiday claims, it can be difficult to know what to do in the case of genuine emergency. Julie Vallance, Legal Director at Lime Solicitors, spoke to Express.co.uk […]

Grammar mistakes mean you're a paid Kremlin troll, says Atlantic Council fellow

If you’re a Russian immigrant in the United States — or anywhere else — don’t bother tweeting your opinions unless your English is flawless. Otherwise you’ll be branded a Kremlin-paid troll by influential American think tanks. Eagle-eyed Ben Nimmo, a fellow at the Atlantic Council, has tweeted advice for Twitter users to help them identify […]

BBC weather forecast issues SNOW warning for Easter weekend – see if you're affected HERE!

Matt Terry presented the BBC Breakfast weather report this morning live from St. Katherine Docks in East London. The meteorologist warned viewers that there would be plenty of snow over the Easter weekend and heavy rainfall. Matt said: “By the end of Sunday we’ll see some rain in Devon and Cornwall that will become heavy […]

Vitamin C deficiency: Six signs you're at risk of scurvy – what foods you should be eating

Vitamin C deficiency is known as scurvy and happens when a person does not have enough vitamin C in their diet for at least three months. The vitamin is found in a wide variety of fruit and vegetables, especially oranges and other citrus fruits. Although scurvy is rare, you may be more at risk if […]

Piers Morgan takes on killer in heated prostitute debate ‘You're taking it out of context'

Good Morning Britain’s presenter Piers Morgan interviewed serial killer Lorenzo Gilyard in his latest crime exposé. Lorenzo is currently serving a life sentence in the United States for killing 13 women, most of whom were prostitutes. Despite being one of the most notorious criminals in Florida, Lorenzo still insists that he is innocent. Piers, 52, […]

‘Oh, you're from Russian media? Next question!’ US State Dept snubs journalists during briefing

US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert’s refusal to take questions from Russian TV raised eyebrows, even among US journalists, who took to their Russian colleagues’ defense after Nauert implied they are Kremlin agents. Nauert went on an ill-mannered tirade against the Russian media when she responded to a question from Rossya 1 TV journalist Aleksandr […]

BBC Weather forecast issues staggering SNOW warning – find out if you're affected HERE

Today it will be mainly cold across the country as further snow showers push in from the east. This has been referred to by some as the ‘Beast from the East’. The snow showers are expected to be at its heaviest in the east of the country, but it could intensify in the west too. […]