Russian companies get green light to mine gold in Venezuela

Venezuelan authorities have offered Russian companies to take part in gold exploration and gold mining in the country, according to Russian Ambassador to Venezuela Vladimir Zaemsky. “As for Russia’s participation in gold-mining or other mining projects, Venezuela has made a wide range of interesting proposals that are currently under consideration by interested Russian operators,” the […]

Power projection or experimental flight? What Russian Tu-160 bombers actually did in Venezuela

The arrival of two Russian strategic bombers in Venezuela has jangled nerves in Washington and sent western media into meltdown. But the joint drills in the area don’t seem like an actual display of force, one analyst believes. The nuclear-capable Tu-160 strategic bombers, accompanied by two Russian Air Force heavy transport aircraft, landed in Caracas […]

Inflation in Venezuela hits 1,300,000%, opposition-led Congress claims

Venezuela’s National Assembly, an opposition-controlled legislative body, said annual inflation has reached 1,300,000 percent in November as the country struggles through its worst economic crisis ever. At the same time, the rate of monthly inflation has gradually decelerated during three months through November. According to the report by the National Assembly, the figure declined to […]

Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers land in Venezuela after 10,000km transatlantic flight (VIDEO)

Venezuela has welcomed the arrival of Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers as an opportunity to demonstrate its resolve to defend the nation against possible foreign military intervention, with the help of “friends” if need be. Two Tu-160 strategic bombers made a gracious landing at Simón Bolívar International Airport on Monday where they were greeted by the […]

Trump is reportedly getting ready to put Venezuela on the state sponsors of terror list

REUTERS/Marco Bello The Trump administration is reportedly considering naming Venezuela a state sponsor of terror. The designation would put Venezuela alongside countries like Iran and North Korea. But applying the label may hinder efforts to help Venezuelans, millions of whom have fled their country. The Trump administration is reportedly preparing to escalate its campaign to […]

‘Troika of tyranny’: US sanctions entirety of Venezuela, warns Cuba & Nicaragua ‘you're next’

The US is slapping far-reaching sanctions on Venezuela in its bid to re-assert hemispheric dominance over what National Security Advisor Bolton dubbed a “Troika of tyranny” in a groan-worthy throwback to Bush’s “axis of evil.” Trump has authorized even stricter sanctions against Venezuela, ostensibly targeting the country’s gold sector but actually going after anyone and […]

Trump claims ‘Florida will become Venezuela’ if Andrew Gillum is elected governor

President Donald Trump claimed that “Florida will become Venezuela” if Mayor Andrew Gillum of Tallahassee, the Democratic candidate running in Florida’s gubernatorial election, is elected over Republican Rep. Ron DeSantis. Trump alluded to Venezuela’s hyperinflation crisis, which has spurred riots, and caused power, food, and medicine shortages. Trump gave DeSantis, a vocal supporter of Trump, […]

Venezuela ‘a mess’ to be ‘cleaned up’ says Trump as Pence & Haley call for regime change

US President Donald Trump further fueled speculation his administration was pushing for regime change in Venezuela, echoing calls from his UN envoy Nikki Haley and Vice President Mike Pence to that effect. “Venezuela is a mess,” Trump said on Friday. “The place needs to be cleaned up, and people need to be taken care of.” […]

China’s ‘Peace Ark’ ship makes maiden visit to Venezuela (VIDEO)

A Chinese hospital vessel has moored at a port near Caracas, where its staff will be providing free medical care to Venezuelans. Recently, a similar-class ship was sent by the US to Colombia to treat refugees fleeing Venezuela. The ‘Peace Ark,’ a Chinese Navy 300-bed hospital ship, has moored on Saturday at the port of […]