Vitamin D deficiency: What are the symptoms? A common feeling in your body could be a sign

VITAMIN D deficiency will affect lots of people this winter, as we struggle to get our daily dose of the ‘sunshine vitamin’. Health experts advise everyone take a vitamin D supplement in the winter in order to prevent deficiency. But how do you know if you are deficient? There is one common feeling in the […]

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Pain when you press this part of your body could be warning

VITAMIN D deficiency is more likely during the winter months when the sun is in short supply, but if symptoms of the condition are ignored, health complications can occur. So what symptoms should you look out for? If you feel pain when you press a certain part of the body it could mean you need […]

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Be wary of this sign when you need to go to the toilet

VITAMIN D deficiency symptoms are more likely to develop during the winter months because the main source – the sun – is in shorter supply. Left untreated, the condition can lead to serious health complications, so what signs should you be looking out for? One symptom that can indicate the condition is linked to a […]