The ‘common’ symptoms that could signal 5 types of cancer – ‘Speak to a doctor’

ONE IN two people will develop cancer at some point in their lives. While this is a terrifying prospect, being able to get a prompt diagnosis can increase your chances of battling the disease successfully. Here are the “common” signs that could be pointing to five types of cancer.

The polar vortex engulfing the US has left 21 people dead. Here’s why events like this might be getting more common.

AP The polar vortex swept parts of the US Midwest and East Coast this week, forcing millions of Americans to contend with subzero temperatures.  The polar vortex is an area of circulating cold air that rings the planet’s North and South poles. Sometimes that vortex destabilizes, sending surges of Arctic air south. Windchill temperatures were as […]

Vitamin D deficiency: What are the symptoms? A common feeling in your body could be a sign

VITAMIN D deficiency will affect lots of people this winter, as we struggle to get our daily dose of the ‘sunshine vitamin’. Health experts advise everyone take a vitamin D supplement in the winter in order to prevent deficiency. But how do you know if you are deficient? There is one common feeling in the […]