Facebook censors & restores video calling Palestine Israel’s weapons-testing lab

A video accusing Israel of testing on Palestinians the weapons and methods of repression it later exports around the world was removed from Facebook for several hours, and only restored after complaints. “Palestine is Israel’s personal laboratory for testing, refining and showcasing methods and weapons of domination and control,” says journalist Rania Khalek in a […]

‘Macron… WHAT?’ French TV channel ‘censors’ photo of Yellow Vest protester’s placard (PHOTOS)

TV channel France3 has “fixed” a placard held by a Yellow Vest protester, which urged President Emmanuel Macron to resign. The broadcaster explained that the sign was broadcast reading just Macron, due to a “human error.” The unfortunate blunder occurred on Saturday during an evening news program that was covering the ongoing Yellow Vest protests. […]

The Australian newspaper that released the controversial ‘angry baby’ Serena Williams cartoon has hit back at ‘self-appointed censors’ by republishing it on its front page

Getty Images The controversial Serena Williams “angry baby” cartoon has been republished by The Herald Sun. The Australian newspaper slapped the drawing on the front page of its Wednesday edition alongside the headline: “Welcome to PC World.” The paper’s editor had previously tweeted his support for the cartoonist, while the artist himself said “the world […]

This Chinese Resort Island Is Lifting Internet Censors for Tourists

This Chinese Resort Island Will Lift Internet Censors Advertiser Disclosure The credit card offers that appear on the website are from credit card companies from which ThePointsGuy.com receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). This site does not include […]

Russia censors coverage of opposition guy’s arrest, media cries foul… replace with ‘UK’ & ‘Robinson’

Imagine the flood of sanctimonious media headlines if Russia were to prevent the hacks from reporting on the trial of a high-profile activist such as Aleksey Navalny. Now imagine such a ban existed in the UK. Oh, wait, it does… Imagine this: Navalny, a highly-polarizing and outspoken opponent of the Russian government, beloved by the […]

Pupil ‘angry & upset’ after school ‘censors’ her same-sex love artwork

A school is facing a backlash after it “censored” a GCSE pupil’s final art project because it showed lesbian couples kissing. Megan Angus told RT the move was “homophobic.” Angus, 16, who is a pupil at Laurence Jackson School in Guisborough, North Yorkshire, says she was left “angry and upset” when she found seven “censored” […]

China’s censors have taken down 13,000 websites in 3 years

It’s no secret that China is fond of censorship. Now, however, the country has divulged numbers that give a sense of that crackdown’s scale. A report from the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress has revealed that China has either shut down or revoked licenses for more than 13,000 websites since the start of […]

PragerU sues YouTube, says it censors conservative videos

Enlarge / A graphic illustrating one of PragerU’s videos, “Does God Exist?” A conservative media company has sued YouTube, saying that the online video giant illegally censors the short videos it produces. PragerU was founded in 2011 by Dennis Prager, a prominent conservative writer and radio talk show host. The organization is a nonprofit that espouses conservative viewpoints on […]

Hercu-less: Facebook censors 300yo nude German statue, prompting digital ‘cover-up’

Published time: 30 May, 2017 01:59 Facebook has banned the images of a statue of Hercules in Germany’s Kassel, the crowning jewel of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, until its custodians mounted a spirited online defense of the iconic monument. The tourist board of Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe, where the 12-meter statue is stationed atop a hill […]