75% of French disapprove of Macron govt, poll reveals as Yellow Vest rallies simmer

Three-quarters of the French are dissatisfied with President Emmanuel Macron’s policies and have appallingly little trust in his ministers, a new poll by Odexa has revealed. Just 25 percent of the people surveyed by Odoxa and Dentsu Consulting for France Info and Le Figaro said they were happy with the way the government is running […]

‘Macron… WHAT?’ French TV channel ‘censors’ photo of Yellow Vest protester’s placard (PHOTOS)

TV channel France3 has “fixed” a placard held by a Yellow Vest protester, which urged President Emmanuel Macron to resign. The broadcaster explained that the sign was broadcast reading just Macron, due to a “human error.” The unfortunate blunder occurred on Saturday during an evening news program that was covering the ongoing Yellow Vest protests. […]

Champs-Élysées in yellow: Protesters march through central Paris demanding Macron resign

Paris is bracing for yet another round of Yellow Vest protests, with demonstrators taking to the streets of the capital. More than 10,000 are expected to join the march, with the slogan ‘Macron Resign’. France is gripped by the fifth consecutive weekend of Yellow Vests rallies, named after the high-visibility clothing drivers are required to […]

#ICYMI: Christmas crisis as Yellow Vests and Brexit pests target Macron and May (VIDEO)

It could be lonely this Christmas for Emmanuel Macron and Theresa May, with the leaders of France and Britain going into the festive season facing two very different crises: Yellow Vests and Brexit pests. France and Britain have been bitter rivals for centuries, and now it appears they’re attempting to outdo each other once again […]

‘Paris agreement isn’t working out so well for Paris!’: Trump taunts Macron over Yellow Vests

As demonstrators flood France for the fourth week running, the US president Donald Trump has blamed the climate change agreement for sparking protests, and claims the Gilets Jaunes are chanting his name. “The Paris Agreement isn’t working out so well for Paris. Protests and riots all over France. People do not want to pay large […]

‘Unconstitutional’: Neutral Austria wants no part of European army proposed by Macron, Merkel

If Germany and France get their wish of developing a European army, Austria wants no part of it. The defense minister’s office said it would opt out, as it would conflict with Vienna’s constitution and neutrality. Defense Minister Mario Kunasek’s office told Kurier newspaper that while Austria has no details on the army proposed by […]

Being America’s ally does not mean becoming a vassal state — Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron has said he wasn’t offended by a slew of angry tweets directed at him earlier this week by Donald Trump, saying that he understood the US president was just playing to a domestic audience. Macron, who was speaking to reporters on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier, said that respect was […]

'Middle finger affair' Macron lands in 'embarrassing' picture controversy

French public is angry with Emmanuel Macron after the cheerful President posed for photos with young men at Saint Martin, one of whom showed the middle finger to the cameras. The controversial pictures were made during Macron’s visit to the Caribbean island, devastated after hurricane Irma last year. The French leader was followed by a […]

Macron v Khrushchev: Who was fiercer at the UN?

The UN General Assembly is a place where world leaders tend to keep things refined and play it cool, but there are always some entertaining exceptions – and this year, French President Emmanuel Macron was happy to do the honors. Banging his fist passionately on the rostrum, Macron warned that “nationalism always leads to defeat” […]

Brigitte Macron wows in bold pink coat for Paris day out with Emmanuel Macron

Brigitte Macron, well-known for her fashionable look, has embraced the beginning of autumn in perfect sartorial style. Pictured on an afternoon out today with her husband and President of France, Emmanuel Macron, the First Lady wore a stunning pink coat. The immaculate coat boasted a broad collar, trim pockets and fell above the knee. Stylish […]