Facebook censors & restores video calling Palestine Israel’s weapons-testing lab

A video accusing Israel of testing on Palestinians the weapons and methods of repression it later exports around the world was removed from Facebook for several hours, and only restored after complaints. “Palestine is Israel’s personal laboratory for testing, refining and showcasing methods and weapons of domination and control,” says journalist Rania Khalek in a […]

CNN victory or press defeat? White House restores Acosta’s pass but imposes conduct rules

CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta will see his “hard pass” restored, but all journalists seeking access to the presidential press room will now have to abide by written rules of conduct due to his misbehavior. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and deputy chief of staff for communications Bill Shine sent a letter to […]

Ecuador restores Assange’s communications after 7-month blackout – WikiLeaks

The Ecuadorian government has lifted restrictions on WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange’s communications with the outside world, allowing visitors to his embassy hideout and restoring internet access it cut off in March. It was reported on Sunday that Ecuador moved to restore Assange’s access to the Internet, cell phone communications and permitted him to receive visitors […]

Killed Watts: Tesla Restores Power after Model S Owner Files Suit

– Tesla drivers who used to drag Porsche Turbos can once again exploit their explosive acceleration, but only thanks to a Model S owner in Mesa, Arizona. – The man, who chooses to remain unnamed, has chronicled his frustration with Tesla since mid-May, when he posted a letter from the Arizona attorney general’s office on […]

Photovoltaic polymer restores some vision to rats with retinal degeneration

The yellow spots in this image are sites of retinal degeneration. (credit: NIH) In most cases of blindness, the majority of the eye is intact. The problem lies in the layer of light-sensitive cells in the back of the eye, called the retina. A variety of diseases lead to the degeneration of the retina, and […]