World Curling Tour considering conduct policy after 'extremely drunk' curlers ejected from bonspiel

CALGARY — In the wake of four curlers being ejected from a bonspiel in Red Deer, Alta., over the weekend, the World Curling Tour says it's now considering a Code of Conduct policy. The curling foursome of Jamie Koe, Ryan Fry, Chris Schille, and DJ Kidby was kicked out of the Red Deer Curling Classic […]

CNN victory or press defeat? White House restores Acosta’s pass but imposes conduct rules

CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta will see his “hard pass” restored, but all journalists seeking access to the presidential press room will now have to abide by written rules of conduct due to his misbehavior. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and deputy chief of staff for communications Bill Shine sent a letter to […]

FYI, saying ‘men aren’t women’ now qualifies as ‘hateful conduct’ on Twitter

Twitter’s crusade against “hate speech” has vanquished yet another meany face. A prominent Canadian feminist says that the company flagged a tweet she wrote which meekly suggested that men aren’t women. Isn’t Twitter fun? Meghan Murphy, editor of Canada’s leading feminist news portal, Feminist Current, was recently informed by Twitter that two of her tweets […]

Saudi-led forces conduct mass strikes on Yemeni capital & beyond, despite US ‘calls for ceasefire’

The Saudi-led coalition has carried out a series of airstrikes against “legitimate military targets” in Sanaa and elsewhere across Yemen, several days after senior US officials somewhat hypocritically called for a ceasefire. “Coalition aircraft targeted legitimate military positions at al-Dailami Air Base, northeast of the capital, Sanaa,” the coalition leadership said in a statement, referring […]

CBS Addresses Les Moonves Sexual Conduct Allegations and Other Harassment Investigations [TCA 2018]

Kelly Kahl, president of CBS entertainment, gave an executive session before the Television Critics Association knowing full well that a majority of questions would center around the sexual misconduct allegations brought against Les Moonves, the Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer of CBS Corporation. The New Yorker published Ronan Farrow’s investigation last […]

Saudi King absolves troops of any future accountability for their conduct in Yemen war

A royal decree by Saudi King Salman has ‘pre-exonerated’ all troops fighting in Yemen from any accountability issues they may face over their conduct in the war, in which thousands of civilians have been killed and wounded. A statement announcing the early pardon, released by Saudi Arabia’s state news agency SPA, said the pardon extends […]

Facebook will conduct civil rights audit following bias allegations

Facebook has come under fire lately for accusations of racial and political bias, and it’s determined to address both of those claims head-on. The social media giant has committed to independent investigations that will scrutinize both its civil rights record and its alleged anti-conservative political bias. Civil liberties leader Laura Murphy will lead a civil […]

Chinese bombers & fighter jets conduct drills in South China Sea & Western Pacific

China has dispatched warplanes to the South China Sea and the Western Pacific for combat readiness drills, the PLA Air Force has announced, just days after the US Navy exercised its ‘freedom of navigation’ in disputed waters. The Chinese Air Force (PLAAF) has moved its H-6K bombers and Su-30 and Su-35 fighters to a number […]

US, S. Korean militaries to conduct joint drills despite detente with Pyongyang

The US and South Korea will go ahead with military drills off the Korean peninsula despite the “Peace Olympics” and the recent thaw in North-South relations, the South’s defense ministry said in a report to the National Assembly. In the run-up to the Olympic Games in PyeongChang, Seoul was able to convince Washington to delay […]