CNN victory or press defeat? White House restores Acosta’s pass but imposes conduct rules

CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta will see his “hard pass” restored, but all journalists seeking access to the presidential press room will now have to abide by written rules of conduct due to his misbehavior. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and deputy chief of staff for communications Bill Shine sent a letter to […]

AT&T imposes another $5 price hike on grandfathered unlimited data plans

Enlarge (credit: Chris Young) AT&T is imposing another $ 5-per-month price increase on customers who have held onto a decade-old grandfathered unlimited data plan. The new price will be $ 45 a month. The data plan’s price was $ 30 monthly for seven years until AT&T raised it to $ 35 in February 2016. A second $ […]

Stocks tumble after US imposes severe tariffs on metal from competitor nations

The Dow Jones closed at 24,608.98 on March 1, plunging 420 points after US President Donald Trump announced that he would impose a flat 25 percent tariff on all steel imports, as well as a 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports. Trump’s announcement disrupted stock trading on Wall Street, as fears of a trade war […]

US imposes new sanctions aimed at stopping North Korea’s nuclear-weapons development

North Korea The US announced sanctions on entities and people in China and Russia who have links to North Korea.  The sanctions are aimed at curbing North Korea’s nuclear weapons development.  In total, nine entities, 16 people and six North Korean ships were accused of helping the weapons programs. WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States announced […]

Houston imposes night curfew to prevent looting during Harvey

(Reuters) – Houston has imposed an overnight curfew beginning on Tuesday night for an indefinite period amid incidents of looting, armed robberies and people impersonating police officers, city officials said. The curfew will run from 10 p.m. until 5 p.m., Mayor Sylvester Turner told a news conference on Tuesday evening. The city is also bringing […]

Iran ready to scrap nuclear deal ‘within hours’ if US imposes new sanctions – Rouhani

Iran could backtrack on its 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers “within hours” if Washington slaps new sanctions on Tehran, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned, noting that the US has proved to be a “unreliable negotiator.” “If America wants to go back to the experience [of imposing sanctions], Iran would certainly return in a short […]

Turkey imposes new restrictions on Russian wheat imports

Published time: 24 May, 2017 14:19 Sales of Russian wheat to Turkey are facing another hurdle after Ankara introduced a new law limiting Russian imports to 25 percent of the total amount of grain imported. Russia’s leading exporters confirmed the information reported by business daily Vedomosti on Wednesday. Read more The new law comes after […]

Iran imposes new sanctions on US-linked companies

Published time: 20 May, 2017 21:19 Iran has sanctioned nine US-linked companies in response to American sanctions over the Middle East country’s ballistic missile program. While Iran’s re-elected president Rouhani said the country was ready for dialogue, the US came up with prerequisites to start it. Read more Nine more US-linked businesses, organizations and individuals […]

US imposes sanctions against 8 Russian firms – reports

Published time: 25 Mar, 2017 20:34Edited time: 25 Mar, 2017 20:56 Eight Russian companies have been sanctioned by Washington over their alleged engagement in nuclear proliferation activity with Iran, North Korea and Syria, Russian news agencies reported, citing the US State Department. The sanctions have been introduced as a result of regular assessments, as required […]