Good Doctor Delves Into Racial Profiling in Medicine — Plus, Is Shaun Really Falling for Someone Other Than Lea?

RELATED STORIES Monday’s episode of The Good Doctor not only addressed racial profiling in modern medicine, but forced one of the residents to take a good, hard look in the mirror and confront her own preconceived notions. After misdiagnosing a patient, Claire made a disconcerting discovery about certain practices at the hospital. When it comes […]

Dear White People: Jeremy Tardy Exits Season 4, Accuses Studio of Racial Discrimination During Negotiations

Jeremy Tardy will not return to Netflix’s Dear White People, citing his negotiating experience with production studio Lionsgate and what he calls “their practices of racial discrimination.” Lionsgate in response characterized the impasse as “purely financial negotiation regarding deal terms,” and nothing more. Tardy, who recurred as Rashid Bakr in 11 total episodes over the […]

Raheem Sterling supported by Premier League stars after alleged racial abuse at Chelsea

The Manchester City winger was subjected to verbal abuse from Chelsea fans yesterday as his side lost 2-0 at Stamford Bridge. As Sterling retrieved a ball near the advertising boarding, a collection of Chelsea fans shouted vitriolic words at the 24-year-old. One fan appears to shout ”f**king black c**t, f**k off” towards Sterling, while another […]

The Summer Boston Roiled with Racial Tension … and Mob Violence

In the summer of 1974, South Boston began its ride toward becoming a war zone. In 1974, Federal District Court Judge W. Arthur Garrity ruled that the Boston School Committee had deliberately segregated the city’s schools, creating one system for Blacks and another for Whites — separate, unequal and unconstitutional. And there was hardly a […]

‘Prison helped me understand’: Man who shot 6 migrants in Italy says he’s got ‘no racial hatred’

A neo-nazi extremist who randomly shot six Africans in a rampage in an Italian town thinking it would avenge the brutal murder of a young woman, now faces 12 years in jail. Luca Traini told the court he was “wrong” and is “sorry.” Traini, who is now 29, spent the morning of February 3 cruising […]

‘We will take the land by force’: South Africa’s land crisis may explode into racial violence

The controversial land-confiscation policy proposed by the Ramaphosa-led ANC government could ignite clashes among South African citizens, who are split into two rival camps on the issue along racial lines. The new legislation allowing land seizure without compensation, which was proposed by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) as early as 2015 and supported by […]

Should There Be Racial and Gender Quotas for the U.S. Congress? We Asked, You Answered

Last week, we asked: Should there be racial and gender quotas for the U.S. Congress?You answered, and here are your thoughts, edited for clarity. Niko Zagame, Manitowoc, Wisconsin How about term limits so we don’t have career politicians? The presidency has a two-term limit, which is eight years. Why not similar term limits for senators […]

Should There Be Racial and Gender Quotas for U.S. Congress? We Asked, You Answered

Last week, we asked: Should there be racial and gender quotas for the U.S. Congress?You answered, and here are your thoughts, edited for clarity. Niko Zagame, Manitowoc, Wisconsin How about term limits so we don’t have career politicians? The presidency has a two-term limit, which is eight years. Why not similar term limits for senators […]

Uber’s head of HR resigns after an investigation into how she handled allegations of racial discrimination

Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock Uber’s Chief People Officer Liane Hornsey resigned in an email to staff, following an investigation into how she handled allegations of racial discrimination. Hornsey is head of Uber’s human resources department and one of the firm’s top spokespeople on diversity and discrimination issues. She had been in the role for about 18 months. […]