Brooke Shields Joins CW Pilot About Gender Non-Conforming Beauty Intern

Brooke Shields has joined the cast of The CW’s Glamorous drama pilot, with Eva Longoria set to direct. RELATEDPilot Season 2019: Scoop on This Fall’s (Possible) New Shows and Who Stars In Them Penned by Jordon Nardino (Desperate Housewives, Quantico), Glamorous follows a yet-to-be-cast gender non-conforming high school graduate who lands the gig of a […]

Germany introduces 3rd gender… but LGBT groups say three’s not enough

Germany is allowing citizens to register their newborn children as a third gender –diverse– and even to change their own legal gender, so long as they have a doctor’s certificate. LGBT groups say the requirement is discriminatory. The “diverse” classification is intended to meet the needs of intersex people whose anatomy does not fit typical […]

Google’s famous Googleplex headquarters was the epicenter for its worldwide walkout over gender discrimination — here’s what it was like on the scene (GOOGL, GOOG)

Troy Wolverton/Business Insider Hundreds of Google employees took part in a walkout at the company’s Mountain View, California headquarters Thursday to protest sexual harassment and gender discrimination. Protestors shouted things such as, “time’s up!” and “enough is enough.” Organizers have issued a list of demands, including that the company put together and share with the […]

‘P***ed off’ star slams gender rules

SOUTH African athletics star Caster Semenya has claimed that controversial new rules on female testosterone levels risked “killing” the passion of the next generation of female athletes. New IAAF rules on female athletes’ testosterone levels were due to begin on Thursday, but were put on hold for five months to avoid further delaying proceedings brought […]

GLAAD: TV's LGBTQ Representation Is at New High, While Delivering Greater Diversity and Gender Parity

GLAAD’s “Where We Are on TV” report for a third consecutive year forecasts an all-time high in the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender and queer (LGBTQ) characters on TV, while also noting that both greater racial diversity and gender parity has been achieved among those roles. Broadcast TV’s representation of LGBTQ characters in the 2018-19 TV season […]

Why figuring out what’s behind a big gender paradox won’t be easy

Enlarge / Pink vs. blue—innocent gender self-expression or material wealth creating more entrenched gender stereotypes? (credit: lambda’s / flickr) In Sweden, girls are just as likely to go to school and university as boys are. Women make up a greater proportion of the country’s professional and technical workers than any other country in the world. […]

Should Children Be Allowed to Select Their Own Gender?

Our question this week: Should children be allowed to select their own gender? Let us know by email or in the comments below. In 2011, The Toronto Star reported on a controversial baby, Storm Stocker-Witterick. Storm’s parents had decided not to reveal the sex of their child and to let Storm determine which gender she […]

Physics ‘invented by men’? Scientist faces backlash after ‘highly offensive’ talk on gender bias

A senior scientist at Pisa University has sparked anger following a talk he gave on the role of women in physics at Cern, the European nuclear research centre, in which he said that physics was “invented and built by men”. Responding to the backlash, Cern released a statement which said the talk given by Prof […]