The EU’s upcoming ban on Russian crude could shift 1 million barrels a day to these 7 nations next year, energy researcher says

Atef Hassan/Reuters Roughly 1 million barrels of Russian crude could be redirected come 2023 as Europe's new sanctions kick in.  Energy research firm Kpler broke down potential destinations where Russian oil could pivot to as Moscow seeks new markets. Those nations include Indonesia, Pakistan, and Brazil, among others.  Once Europe's partial ban on Russian oil […]

Cue the crickets: Berkeley researcher finds Cuba ‘sonic attack’ sound is actually insects chirping

When US embassy staff in Cuba became mysteriously ill after hearing loud piercing sounds, US officials blamed nefarious secret agents for launching “sonic attacks.” But a new Berkeley University study could have proven them wrong. The incidents, which occurred between 2016 and 2018, saw dozens of US staff at the embassy experience a range of […]

Fears over freedom in Hong Kong are rising as an Australian researcher reveals he was followed and profiled by a Communist Party tabloid

PHILIP FONG/AFP/Getty Images) One of Hong Kong’s fiercely pro-Beijing mastheads, Wen Wei Po, has revealed itself as the stalker of an Australian academic, nearly four days after he began tweeting evidence that he was being tailed around Hong Kong. Dr. Kevin Carrico, a Chinese studies lecturer at Australia’s Macquarie University, has been doing research in […]

11 percent of Russians regularly watch porn, traffic researcher says

An internet traffic researcher in Russia says 10.7 million people visit adult websites at least once a month, spending, on average, 11 minutes per session. The audience may be much bigger however, according to PornHub data. The report on the preferences of Russian porn lovers was prepared by the firm Mediascope for the news website […]

Can the design of a running shoe help prevent injury? A B.C. researcher says he has the answer

For years, runners have received conflicting advice about what style of running shoe is best for preventing injuries. So a physiotherapist from UBC decided to review the strongest research on the topic. His blunt assessment has reignited one of the fitness world’s fiercest debates.

Cambridge Analytica says it did not receive Twitter data from researcher

After a report over the weekend revealed that the researcher accused of giving analytics firm Cambridge Analytica improper access to Facebook user data also had access to data from Twitter’s API, Cambridge Analytica is denying that it worked with the researcher on data obtained from Twitter. Cambridge Analytica tweeted this morning that the firm “has […]

Cambridge Analytica says it never got Twitter data from researcher

When word got out that Twitter had sold data access to Aleksandr Kogan, the researcher at the heart of the Cambridge Analytica data sharing scandal, there was a looming question: did he pass that data to Cambridge Analytica? If you ask the company, the answer is an emphatic “no.” In a statement, the firm said […]