Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica woes continue with UK lawsuits

Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica troubles are far from over and a new class action lawsuit over the scandal might be on the way. Wired reports today that a group of UK residents has sent the company a letter before claim, in which they highlight the many instances where the social media giant failed to protect its […]

UK's privacy watchdog wants to fine Facebook £500,000 over Cambridge Analytica scandal

The UK’s Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham has announced that she intends to fine Facebook up to £500,000 (US$ 664,000) over the Cambridge Analytica Scandal, in which the social media giant failed to safeguard user’s information. “New technologies that use data analytics to micro-target people give campaign groups the ability to connect with individual voters. But […]

Trump’s 2020 campaign might include ex-Cambridge Analytica staff

A handful of former Cambridge Analytica employees might be working on Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. The Associated Press reports that two of its reporters overheard Matt Oczkowski, Cambridge Analytica’s former head of product, say that he and the firm he now leads were “doing the president’s work for 2020” alongside Trump’s 2020 campaign manager Brad […]

Data Propria, run by Cambridge Analytica alumni, working on Trump 2020 campaign

Enlarge / Brad Parscale, Donald Trump’s campaign digital director, arrives at Trump Tower, December 6, 2016. (credit: y Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Data Propria, a brand-new “data and behavioral science company” run by former staff at Cambridge Analytica, has been “quietly working” for the president’s 2020 re-election campaign, according to the Associated Press. Two reporters from […]

Cambridge Analytica files for bankruptcy amidst “siege” of negative attention

Enlarge / A view of 597 5th Ave, where the New York City office of Cambridge Analytica is on the 7th floor, May 2, 2018 in New York City. (credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Cambridge Analytica LLC, the American arm of the London-based data analytics firm of the same name, filed for bankruptcy in federal court […]

NYT: FBI and DOJ are looking into Cambridge Analytica

Cambridge Analytica already shut down, because it couldn’t cope with ongoing probes and scandals. But that doesn’t mean the DOJ is going to let things go — according to The New York Times, the Justice Department and the FBI have started investigating the political data firm, questioning former employees and banks that handled its businesses […]