The EU’s upcoming ban on Russian crude could shift 1 million barrels a day to these 7 nations next year, energy researcher says

Atef Hassan/Reuters Roughly 1 million barrels of Russian crude could be redirected come 2023 as Europe's new sanctions kick in.  Energy research firm Kpler broke down potential destinations where Russian oil could pivot to as Moscow seeks new markets. Those nations include Indonesia, Pakistan, and Brazil, among others.  Once Europe's partial ban on Russian oil […]

Putin says Russia’s not responsible for the EU’s energy crisis — it just needs to ‘push the button’ on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to get more natural gas

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Europe's "green agenda" started the bloc's energy crisis. Getty Images Europe is dependent on Russia for natural gas, but Gazprom has turned off the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. Russian President Putin said the EU just has to turn on Nord Stream 2 for more natural gas. The Nord Stream 2 […]

Russia may face a domestic energy crunch as production slows following EU’s oil embargo, natural-gas cuts to Europe

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images A halt in gas supplies to Europe could cost Russia as much as $ 6.6 billion a year, per Bloomberg. The export slump could lead to deep cuts in Russian gas output, hitting domestic energy goals. The EU's oil embargo could also cause production of the fuel to […]

Piers Morgan dismantles Sturgeon’s independence plan for Scotland – ‘join the EU’s queue’

The heated debate began when Piers Morgan asked the Scottish National Party (SNP) leader about her ambitions to rejoin the EU if Scotland voted for independence. The ITV Good Morning Britain host said: “Hypothetically if you won a referendum and Scotland votes outright and becomes its own entity, I think it is going to be […]

Piers Morgan reveals how he would solve Brexit – ‘Call EU’s BLUFF and send FARAGE’

The Good Morning Britain host grew increasingly frustrated with Remainer guest Kevin Maguire’s claims that parts of Brexit were “undeliverable”. Mr Morgan blasted back: “This is what the Remoaners always say. It’s undeliverable because we have a Remainer Prime Minister and a three-quarter Remain parliament. “That’s why it’s undeliverable.” The TV veteran went on to […]

The EU’s unbundling directive is reinforcing the power of scale

ANEW YEAR often begins with a headache. For asset managers and brokers, last year’s pain was intensified by the European Union’s revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID 2), which came into force on January 3rd 2018. Among other things MiFID 2 obliged fund managers (the “buy side”, in industry argot) to pay brokers (the […]

Anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats party surges in polls amid EU’s Eurosceptic wave

The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats have gained ground in a recent poll, pulling almost even with the ruling Social Democrats, ahead of an election in September. Similar parties have won recent elections in Slovenia and Italy. The poll, conducted for Sweden’s Expressen newspaper and published Monday, has put the Sweden Democrats in second place, with 21 […]

Facebook explains how it will comply with the EU’s GDPR

After a lot of scandal and a great deal of confusion, Facebook has finally made clear what its privacy settings will look like in the wake of Europe’s forthcoming GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation). In a news release, the company said that everyone, no matter where they live, will be asked to review information […]

EU’s ‘dictatorial’ nature helps US & UK hold sway in Skripal case – Senator Richard Black to RT

It didn’t take much effort for the US and UK to make the EU fall in line in the Skripal case, Virginia State Senator Richard Black told RT. The bloc is a “soft dictatorship” in which only key players need to be swayed, he said. The White House’s claims that it played a key role […]