Putin & Orban need each other more than ever, but do they dare come closer during Moscow talks?

Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban arrives in Russia to meet Vladimir Putin on Tuesday with both states under diplomatic siege. Will the two downplay their political affair in front of Europe’s judging eyes? Nominally, there is nothing notable about Orban’s one-day visit: he was last in Moscow just two months ago for the World Cup […]

‘Me & Orban fought Brussels quotas’: Czech PM takes credit for derailing ‘absurd’ EU migrant sharing

Czech PM Andrej Babis believes that canceling EU migrant quotas was one of the major successes of his foreign policy, saying that he fought against quotas together with Viktor Orban and managed to “abolish the absurd system.” “[Orban and I] fought against the quotas in Brussels, and we have abolished this absurd system,” Babis said. Read […]

‘Christian democracy’ to crush multiculturalism in EU vote next year – Hungary’s Orban

Illiberal “Christian democracy” will replace multiculturalism after the European Parliament vote in 2019, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has predicted, adding that the EU elite have failed the people and should step down. The European Parliamentary elections in May 2019 will decide the fate of the European “elite” and they’re “visibly nervous” about it, Orban […]

‘No United States of Europe’: Hungary’s Orban vows to strengthen his sovereign policies

Hungary will continue its anti-immigrant stance and will pursue a vision of the EU as a union of nations instead of the “United States of Europe,” PM Viktor Orban said after his party’s parliamentary elections victory. Orban believes the re-election triumph has given him a “strong mandate” to tackle the problems that concern Hungarians the […]

Hungary PM Orban declares victory as ruling party projected to take 67% of parliament seats

Viktor Orban has claimed a decisive victory and is set for a third term as Hungarian prime minister, after preliminary results show his Fidesz party taking an overwhelming majority of at least 134 seats in the 199-seat parliament. “We have won… Hungary has won a great victory,” Orban told a crowd of cheering supporters at […]

‘Never underestimate the power of the dark side’: Orban goes Star Wars on EU ‘migrant invasion’

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has apparently called on Hungarians to beware of the power of the Sith in his latest speech on migration crisis in Europe. He also declared Eastern and Central Europe the last ‘migrant-free zone.’ “We should never underestimate the power of the dark side,” the prime minister said, referencing Star Wars […]

Soros and EU striving for ‘mixed, Muslimized Europe’, says Hungarian PM Orban

Published time: 23 Jul, 2017 21:41 Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has hit out at George Soros and the European Union as the statesman’s war of words with the Hungarian-American billionaire continues to escalate. During a state visit to Romania Orban accused Soros of using the EU in order to create a “new, mixed, Muslimized […]

Orban & ‘new boy’ Macron engaged in verbal slugfest over EU policies

Published time: 22 Jun, 2017 19:03 Edited time: 22 Jun, 2017 19:32 Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban has slammed the French president over what he terms inappropriate conduct after Emmanuel Macron criticized Eastern Europe for a ‘lack of solidarity’ and ‘cynicism’ in dealing with the refugee crisis. Macron’s first public appearance at official EU level […]

‘Like being accused of murder while victim is alive’: Orban fights accusations over Soros university

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has called allegations he wants to close a university funded by US billionaire George Soros unfounded, as the EU opened a legal case against Hungary over a controversial new higher education law. Orban appeared before the European Parliament on Wednesday to address critics who claim the new law tightens restrictions […]

Putin visits PM Orban to talk business with Euroskeptic Hungary

Vladimir Putin is paying a return visit to Budapest, a year after Viktor Orban’s trip to Moscow set the tone for enhanced bilateral cooperation. The two leaders, similarly unpopular in Brussels, are set to discuss current and prospective mutually lucrative trade deals. The visit comes during tense times between the EU and Russia, which is […]