‘We’ll crush them!’ Greece threatens NATO ally Turkey over Aegean islets

Greece’s top military brass have fired off a set of unusually stern warnings to Turkey, threatening to crush its troops if they dare to land on any disputed islet in the Aegean Sea – but Ankara didn’t mince its words either. Reacting to violations of Greek airspace by Turkish jets over the Aegean, Defense Minister […]

5 Insomnia Causes and How to Combat Them to Crush Sleeplessness

The alarm clock numbers change again.12:06 AM.“Well”, you think to yourself, “not the worst.” But here’s the problem — you went to bed over two hours ago.There aren’t many feelings worse than watching your alarm clock work flawlessly with no emotion, showing you little mercy in counting time upwards.Insomnia isn’t anything to take lightly, and […]

‘Christian democracy’ to crush multiculturalism in EU vote next year – Hungary’s Orban

Illiberal “Christian democracy” will replace multiculturalism after the European Parliament vote in 2019, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has predicted, adding that the EU elite have failed the people and should step down. The European Parliamentary elections in May 2019 will decide the fate of the European “elite” and they’re “visibly nervous” about it, Orban […]

Trump pivots to confronting Iran with the ‘fire and fury’ approach — and it could crush the Islamic republic

President Donald Trump told Iran to stop threatening the US or it would suffer historically epic consequences. Trump was responding to a statement by Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani. Rouhani described a potential conflict with the US as ‘the mother of all wars,’ but also offered a vision of peace. Trump’s administration has visibly begun a […]

These 13 stocks will see explosive sales growth that will help them crush earnings season, Goldman Sachs says

Reuters The first-quarter earnings season is shaping up to be one of the most hotly anticipated in recent memory as the market seeks a bright spot amid multiple headwinds. While some investors may be focused on bottom-line profits, Goldman Sachs is more interested in stocks generating high sales growth, and it has identified 13 S&P […]

The trucking industry is handling its driver shortage in a unique way — and it could crush others that depend on it (GIS)

Tim Shaffer/Reuters A shortage of truck drivers in the US has increased their wages, on average. Unlike many other industries, trucking companies have been able to pass on these higher costs to their clients through higher prices.  But in most other industries, including those getting crushed by higher freight costs, it’s not as easy to […]

GOLDMAN SACHS: These 16 stocks are poised to maximize tax savings and crush the market in 2018

Reuters / John Gress Wide-reaching corporate tax cuts have stock investors wondering which companies will benefit most. Goldman Sachs has singled out 16 companies as offering the most reinvestment growth, a characteristic of companies that have historically outperformed the market. How does an investor decide which companies are poised to benefit most from sweeping tax […]

Crush the right rock and spread it on farms to help soil and the climate

Enlarge / Instead of adding crushed limestone to soil, we could opt for basalt. (credit: Mark Robinson) The best response to a leaking pipe is to stop the leak. But even if you haven’t quite got the leak solved, a mop can keep the pool of water on your floor from spilling into the next […]