Money Heist plot hole: Fans insist the gang has no time to escape the Bank in part five

Moreover, there’s still the question of some 90 tonnes of gold to be smuggled out along with the surviving crew. Production is currently underway in Milan, but viewers have already raised their concerns about whether showrunner Álex Pina will be able to deliver the goods in Part Five. One fan took to Reddit to speculate […]

The Day I Got Gang Beaten in Brooklyn

Crown Heights has always been kind of a weird neighborhood in Brooklyn. Haitian and other Caribbean transplants living uncomfortable shoulder to uncomfortable shoulder with Hasidic Jews. It wasn’t always as uncomfortable as when the 1991 riots — sparked by an accident involving Rebbe Schneerson’s motorcade and two Guyanese children — erupted, but ill-at-ease just the […]

Bad lieutenant: FSB officer gets 24 years for murdering seven people as part of dirty cop gang

FSB officers will spend 24 years in a high-security prison for being a member of a gang of rogue law enforcers, which for years terrorized businessmen and guest workers in Russia’s Tyumen, killing at least ten. Four officers from the FSB (Federal Security Service) and the police put together a gang to lure cash from […]

All American Fall Finale Recap: Coop and the Gang — Plus: Grade the Episode

The following post contains major spoilers for the fall finale of All American. All American went into its winter hiatus with one very big win and one very big loss. Wednesday’s fall finale brought a number of simmering storylines to a boil, resulting in major life changes for Spencer — and everyone in his orbit, for […]

‘Brain diarrhea, gang of scum’: Ukrainian chief prosecutor loses it during parliament dressing down

A Ukrainian parliament hearing on a high-profile murder became heated after the prosecutor general lashed out, calling an MP barely printable names and reportedly saying “suck my c**k” after a vote of confidence. The Rada, the Ukraine parliament, has witnessed many heated debates and quite a few fistfights. But the Tuesday session will probably be […]

Hamptons’ ‘paranoid’ super rich installing luxury panic rooms to hide from MS-13 gang

Fearing the vicious Salvadoran MS-13 gang, which has plagued Long Island’s Suffolk County and threatens to spread its terror further, residents from the wealthy Hamptons area in New York are turning their homes into fortresses. The extreme security measures include sleeping with guns, installing bulletproof windows and sometimes even luxury panic rooms. Supermarket mogul, John […]

Jeff Sessions just announced a massive shift in asylum protections for victims of gang and domestic violence

Joshua Roberts/Reuters Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday announced broad new restrictions on who can qualify asylum in the United States that effectively blocks most victims of gang or domestic violence.  “Generally, claims by aliens pertaining to domestic violence or gang violence perpetrated by non-governmental actors will not qualify for asylum,” Sessions said in his […]

Der Gucci Gang Showdown!

Anett D.@Anett1501 Uuuuh. Endlich geht’s in die Modelvilla. Jetzt können wir wieder beobachten wie alle schreiend durch die Zimmer rennen und sogar das Scheißhaus anschreien, als wäre es der Eiserne Thron. #gntm 06:56 PM – 12 Apr 2018 AntwortenRetweetFaven Let’s block ads! (Why?)

GamesBeat Summit 2018: Working on the (block) chain gang

VB EVENT: GamesBeat Summit 2018 is coming up next week on April 9 & 10 in Mill Valley, CA and we’re not leaving any stone unturned in looking at the future of the industry. Enter blockchain. It ain’t just cryptocurrency anymore. It’s disrupting entire industries, and the gaming industry is going to follow suit. Join […]

Flying above the law: Chinese gang used drones to smuggle $80mn worth of iPhones

Chinese authorities have busted a high-tech smuggling ring that used unmanned aerial vehicles to illegally transport almost $ 80 million worth of smartphones from Hong Kong. The suspects smuggled up to 15,000 phones per night. The cross-border gang was busted by Customs officers in the Shenzhen metropolitan area in southeastern China. Shenzhen links Hong Kong […]