Istanbul prosecutor seeks arrest of 2 Saudi crown prince allies over Khashoggi killing

Istanbul’s chief prosecutor has filed warrants for the arrest of a top aide to Saudi Arabia’s crown prince and the deputy head of foreign intelligence on suspicion of planning the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Turkish officials said on Wednesday. The prosecutor’s office has concluded there is “strong suspicion” that Saud al-Qahtani and General Ahmed […]

‘Brain diarrhea, gang of scum’: Ukrainian chief prosecutor loses it during parliament dressing down

A Ukrainian parliament hearing on a high-profile murder became heated after the prosecutor general lashed out, calling an MP barely printable names and reportedly saying “suck my c**k” after a vote of confidence. The Rada, the Ukraine parliament, has witnessed many heated debates and quite a few fistfights. But the Tuesday session will probably be […]

Meet the sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford at their upcoming sexual-assault hearing

Alex Wong/Getty Images Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans announced on Tuesday that they hired Maricopa County, Arizona sex crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell to question Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford in a hearing centered on Ford’s sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh. The only interviews Mitchell has ever done is with a publication put out by the […]

Former federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova calls for Rosenstein’s firing on Fox News after Trump tells people to tune in to the ‘big show’

Screenshot/Fox News The controversial former federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Wednesday night that Attorney General Jeff Sessions should fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein “tomorrow morning.” Shortly before Hannity’s show aired, President Donald Trump promoted it on Twitter, prompting viewers to tune in. The knives have been out for Rosenstein since […]

Sessions names federal prosecutor for FBI & DOJ probe, but no special counsel

A federal prosecutor is backing the internal probe of the FBI and the Department of Justice and there is no need for special counsel, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a response to Congress and President Donald Trump. In a letter to leaders of the House and Senate judiciary and oversight committees on Thursday, Sessions […]

A former Chinese state prosecutor criticized Xi Jinping’s plan to rule indefinitely and now he’s been arrested

NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images China reportedly arrested a man this week who criticized the country’s plan to scrap presidential term limits. This appears to be the first arrest of someone who has protested the plan, though at least one dissident was sent away on a forced “holiday” ahead of China’s annual legislature meeting this week. The […]

Maldives prosecutor general says extension to state of emergency is unconstitutional – reports

Maldives Prosecutor General Aishath Bisham has said parliament’s approval of a 30-day extension to the state of emergency is unconstitutional, Reuters reported two sources and local media as saying on Wednesday. The previous day, parliament approved the extension sought by President Abdulla Yameen, but it was passed without the constitutionally required quorum of 43 lawmakers. […]

Iranian prosecutor points finger at CIA, Israel and Saudi Arabia for unrest

Published time: 5 Jan, 2018 02:31 Iran’s public prosecutor has blamed the CIA, Israel and Saudi Arabia for stirring unrest in the Islamic Republic which resulted in the deaths of more than 20 people over the last week. Mohammad Jafar Montazeri said Thursday that the “main protector” of the agitation plan was an American national […]

16-year-old boy arrested in shooting deaths of his parents, sister, and family friend on New Year’s Eve, prosecutor says

YouTube/CBS New York A New Jersey teenager was arrested on New Year’s Eve on suspicion of fatally shooting his parents, sister, and a family friend, prosecutors said. The 16-year-old suspect was arrested without incident and has not been identified. Police arrested a 16-year-old boy suspected of killing four people including his parents, sister, and a […]