Mike Pence’s former chief of staff chides Trump’s lawyers for ‘potentially lying’ to DOJ: ‘There’s a difference between playing a lawyer on TV’ and ‘good legal counsel’

Marc Short, chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, speaks with reporters at the White House, Friday, Nov. 8, 2019, in Washington. Patrick Semansky/Associated Press Marc Short said the documents Trump had taken to Mar-a-Lago were "baffling." He also said it appeared Trump's lawyers had lied to the Department of Justice. Legal experts and […]

White House counsel Don McGahn reportedly calls Trump ‘King Kong’ behind his back

Andrew Harnik/AP White House counsel Donald McGahn reportedly sometimes has a fraught relationship with President Donald Trump and calls him “King Kong” behind his back. The New York Times reported several current and former White House officials said McGahn was frustrated by Trump’s “volcanic anger” and frequent outbursts. The report also revealed that McGahn has […]

Sarah Sanders was reportedly so frustrated over being kept in the dark during the Rob Porter scandal that she publicly ‘cursed and yelled’ at the White House counsel

Reuters/Carlos Barria White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was reportedly so frustrated at being kept in the dark during yet another White House scandal earlier this year that she publicly erupted at the White House counsel. The confrontation occurred in February, according to The Washington Post, while the White House was grappling with media […]

Mueller threatened to subpoena Trump if he refuses to talk to the special counsel under oath

AP Photo/Evan Vucci Special counsel Robert Mueller threatened President Donald Trump and his legal team that he could subpoena Trump if he refuses to testify under oath in the Russia investigation. The alleged threat came as Trump’s legal team and the special counsel’s office were negotiating terms of a one-on-one interview with the president, which, […]

An outline of questions special counsel Robert Mueller wants to ask Trump reveal where the Russia investigation may be headed

Robert Mueller, the special counsel in charge of investigating Russian interference in the 2016 US election delivered a list of questions to President Donald Trump’s legal team outlining how a one-on-one interview with Trump might play out. The questions Mueller wants to ask Trump span nearly every thread of the special counsel’s investigation, including actions […]

Text messages between 2 FBI employees show how they reacted to Comey’s firing and Mueller’s appointment as special counsel in the Russia investigation

The once-missing text messages between two former FBI employees were released to Congress on Thursday. The text messages — which span December 2016 through May 2017 — are between FBI special agent Peter Strzok and FBI counsel Lisa Page, who were in an ongoing, intimate relationship. Many of the text messages in the 49-page release are shorthand and are […]

Sessions names federal prosecutor for FBI & DOJ probe, but no special counsel

A federal prosecutor is backing the internal probe of the FBI and the Department of Justice and there is no need for special counsel, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a response to Congress and President Donald Trump. In a letter to leaders of the House and Senate judiciary and oversight committees on Thursday, Sessions […]

Ex-Trump aide Sam Nunberg reverses, says he’ll likely cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller

Screenshot Via YouTube Former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg said he’ll likely cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller. Nunberg previously refused to comply with Mueller’s subpoena which asked for his communications with other former officials. Nunberg railed against current and former White House officials in multiple TV interviews on Monday. WASHINGTON (AP) — A former […]

Special Counsel indicts 13 people, Russian troll farm on conspiracy charges

Enlarge On Friday, Special Counsel Robert Mueller released a 37-page indictment against the Internet Research Agency, a well-known Russian bot and troll factory, and named 13 Russians on charges of “conspiracy to defraud the United States,” wire fraud, and bank fraud, among others. As he wrote: Defendant ORGANIZATION had a strategic goal to sow discord […]