Apple closes two Dallas stores in apparent bid to ward off patent trolls

Enlarge / Apple’s new store will be at the Galleria Dallas. In addition to being a beautiful mall, it’s also outside the reach of the notoriously patent-friendly Eastern District of Texas. (credit: jinjian liang / Flickr) Apple is closing two Apple stores in the northern suburbs of Dallas in an apparent bid to ward off […]

Avengers Endgame: Robert Downey Jr TROLLS Chris Evans for THIS Captain America similarity

Poor old Captain America. Having been frozen since the Second World War, it’s not surprising he’s struggling with getting up to date on modern technology. Throughout the MCU movies, he’s occasionally expressed the Grandpa within him seeing as he’s really 100-years-old. But when Chris Evans has a Steve Rogersism in real-life, of course, his Avengers […]

SJW weaponized: Target Corp ‘fell’ for troll’s outrage with white kid wearing Black Panther costume

A conservative blogger says he has managed to force US’s second-largest retailer to change the photo for a Black Panther costume so that the model kid didn’t look white. In case you’ve missed the entire ‘Black Panther only for black kids’ debate, here it is. When the Marvel superhero movie was released in January, it […]

Instagram eventually pulls a troll’s post praising pipe bombs

Remember Milo Yiannapolous? The self-described provocateur who now lacks a job at Breitbart, a book deal with Simon & Schuster and a Twitter account can add one more deletion to the list: an Instagram post. Unlike Alex Jones, Yiannapolous has maintained a presence on Facebook’s properties, and The Daily Beast reported that today — after […]

Twitter & NATO think tank publish database of tweets, pics… and GIFs by ‘Russian trolls’

Ahead of midterm elections, Twitter has reminded Americans that democracy is still under threat by releasing millions of tweets by pesky Russians (and Iranians) from the past decade. How do they know? Well, that’s the question. Twitter says the database released on Wednesday contains an archive of tweets and media “we believe resulted from potentially […]

Recommended Reading: Da Bears, Russian Trolls, and Christine Blasey Ford

Modern online media is all about the signal boost, so every Friday here at Flavorwire, we take a moment to spotlight some of the best stuff we’ve read online this week. Today, the history of an SNL classic, a great comedian’s favorite comedy albums, a look at the wrenching testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, and […]

Star Wars: Darth Maul actor HITS BACK at trolls in fiery rant after Solo backlash

The star, who played Darth Maul for the second time in the recent spin-off, has seemingly been targeted by some on the internet making cruel comments about his appearance. This morning he has taken to Instagram to speak out, putting those abusing him firmly in their place. “Not that I NEED TO JUSTIFY THIS! I […]