GeForce GPUs are slowing down after installing the Windows 11 2022 Update

Enlarge / The GeForce 3080 Ti. (credit: Sam Machkovech) Some users of Nvidia’s GeForce graphics cards are noticing severe performance issues after installing the Windows 11 2022 Update (aka Windows 11 22H2) that Microsoft released to the public earlier this week. As reported by Bleeping Computer, affected users have experience stuttering, inconsistent framerates, and slowdowns, […]

Hamptons’ ‘paranoid’ super rich installing luxury panic rooms to hide from MS-13 gang

Fearing the vicious Salvadoran MS-13 gang, which has plagued Long Island’s Suffolk County and threatens to spread its terror further, residents from the wealthy Hamptons area in New York are turning their homes into fortresses. The extreme security measures include sleeping with guns, installing bulletproof windows and sometimes even luxury panic rooms. Supermarket mogul, John […]

Chrome OS update makes installing Linux apps easier

With the power of tools like Crouton, anyone so inclined can already run Linux on a Chromebook. The process is a bit fiddly, however, and requires that you enable developer mode — which carries potential security risks. Now, thanks to a recent Chrome OS update, you’ll be able to launch .deb (Debian) packages minus such […]

Boiler central heating: Installing THIS £39 item could save you a third on your gas bill

Boiler costs and central heating bills can become expensive in wintertime, but save during this cold spell by installing a simple ceiling fan. Installing one of these fans in your home can save you as much 30 per cent on your heating bill, according to research from Typically, ceiling fans are used for generating […]

Remember solar roof? Tesla’s making tiles in New York, installing them

A press photo of black glass tiles. (credit: Tesla) Tesla began manufacturing solar tiles for solar roof installations in December at the Buffalo, New York, factory that it acquired when it purchased SolarCity in 2016, and the electric vehicle and energy company said it will start installing the tiles on the homes of reservation holders […]

Google Play lets you test drive Android apps before installing them

Google’s Instant Apps are available in a few places for curious Android users, but they’ve been conspicuously absent in one place: the Play Store. Wouldn’t you want to check out an app before committing to it? You can now. Google is now building Instant Apps into the store through a “Try It Now” button on […]

ProBeat: Firefox Focus is the only Android browser worth installing

OPINION: Firefox Focus is the only product to come out of Mozilla in the last few years that I can genuinely point to and say: Look, the company is doing something interesting again. I’ve been using it regularly since its debut in June, which is more than I can say for any other third-party mobile […]

IBM is installing a Watson AI lab at MIT

Both MIT and IBM are leaders in the field of Artificial Intelligence and now they’re teaming up. IBM announced on Thursday that it had reached a 10-year research partnership agreement with the university worth nearly a quarter of a billion dollars. That investment will see more than 100 researchers from both organizations collaborating to advance […]

Mac users installing popular DVD ripper get nasty backdoor instead

(credit: Patrick Wardle) Hackers compromised a download server for a popular media-encoding software named HandBrake and used it to push stealthy malware that stole victims’ password keychains, password vaults, and possibly the master credentials that decrypted them, security researchers said Monday. Over a four-day period ending Saturday, a download mirror located at delivered a […]

Tesla Installing More Urban Chargers as BMW and Nissan Build Road-Trip Waypoints

– Until now, Tesla has focused the development of its Supercharger fast-charging network on enabling longer-distance travel. Meanwhile, Nissan and BMW, the two automakers who were bullish on urban charger installations several years before Tesla started its network, have largely put their focus on urban infrastructure of the sort commuters might use. Now, in something of a […]