Scientists revived tiny Siberian worms that had been frozen in permafrost for 42,000 years — and they started moving and eating

Agricultural Research Service/ Wikimedia Commons Russian scientists have revived tiny worms that had been frozen for 42,000 years. After being removed from Siberian permafrost, the worms were gradually thawed in a lab until they started moving around and consuming food. The scientists say their findings could have implications for astrobiology and cryomedicine.  A group of […]

Scientists say they revived 42,000-year-old frozen worms

A group of scientists in Russia claim to have revived a pair of frozen nematodes, or roundworms, that were between 30,000 and 42,000 years old. One of the specimens was found in a soil sample collected from a ground squirrel burrow located around 100 feet underground, and other burrows nearby have been radiocarbon dated to […]

Martian technicolor worms? NASA reveals incredible snap of Mars crater

Published time: 16 Jul, 2017 00:00 A trippy snap of a Mars crater embedded with material resembling bizarre giant worm-like creatures has been revealed by NASA. A colored infrared HiRISE image captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows the exposed bedrock of material scattered across the surface after impact. However, to the untrained eye, the […]

Sand worms and lightning: Aven Colony takes city-building to exoplanets

Enlarge (credit: NASA/Getty Images) Humans have consumed our world’s resources as if they were infinite. Earth remains, however, a finite planet. Without significant structural and behavioural change—the sort that is difficult to effect en masse— the long-term consequences of our self-sabotaging choices appear grave. In a forthcoming BBC documentary titled Expedition New Earth the English […]