Charlie Stayt clashes with Brandon Lewis in BAME infection row: ‘Give me one measure?’

Lewis began to respond: “Well, first of all, all the measures-“ But Stayt was quick to cut him off and demand a more direct answer. He yelled once again: “No, has anything been done since that report?” Again, Lewis replied: “In terms of that specific report, the minister for equalities, is taking forward a piece […]

E Coli WARNING: Macadamia nut recall after outbreak of bacteria infection symptoms

E. coli is a type of bacteria that can cause harmful symptoms if there is an infection. It commonly causes UTI infections in women, however, it can also cause good poisoning. According to the NHS symptoms include “severe stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhoea that may be bloody.” Now some products have recalled after fears emerged […]

Athlete’s foot: Cream with these three ingredients will help treat your fungal infection

ATHLETE’S foot is a fungal infection that affects in-between toes, and the soles and sides of the feet. Left untreated it can spread to the toenails and cause a fungal nail infection. The problem is easily treatable and prevented at home using eight simple steps.

How to get rid of a fungal nail infection: Prevent condition by doing this every day

Fungal nail infections usual start at the edge of the nail but often spread to the middle. The nail can become discoloured and lift off the nail bed, or it can become brittle and pieces can break off. Not only can people be unhappy with the appearance of a fungal nail infection, they can also […]

George H.W. Bush released from hospital and ‘doing well’ after infection treatment

Al Bello/Getty Images Former US President George H.W. Bush, 93, was discharged from a Houston hospital, where he stayed for nearly two weeks for treatment of an infection that spread to his blood. Bush, the oldest living former US president, was admitted to the hospital a day after he attended the funeral of his wife, […]

Gonorrhoea symptoms: Four signs you could have the sexually transmitted infection

GONORRHOEA symptoms usually develop within two weeks of a person being infected. But sometimes do not appear until many months later, which means the condition can go untreated for some time. The more time you leave, the more likely you are to experience complications. There are four signs of the STI in men and women […]

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: This common yeast infection can indicate you have the condition

DIABETES type 2 symptoms include feeling thirsty all the time, peeing more than usual, particularly at night, and losing weight without trying to. Another sign, a common infection that affects men and women, my appear harmless but can indicate the potentially harmful condition.