A regional manufacturing report in China has gone missing, raising concerns the economy is much weaker than the government will admit

REUTERS/Stringer Much of China’s economic data has been lacking, at least compared to its usual standards. A regional manufacturing activity gauge in China recently stopped being produced and was deemed “illegal” by the central government. It had been significantly weaker than other nationwide activity gauges. There are reports the government wrote to journalists in China this […]

MORGAN STANLEY: Get used to a ‘new normal’ of weaker UK growth thanks to Brexit

REUTERS/Kevin Coombs Morgan Stanley says weaker growth looks set in for the long haul once the UK formally leaves the EU. The average quarterly growth rate since the third quarter of 2016 was about 0.4%, which looks set to continue until at least the fourth quarter of 2020, economists at the bank said.  In the […]

Ratings: NBC Dominates Monday; Magnum Slips With Weaker Lead-In

Two weeks into the new season, NBC continued its Monday-night dominance as The Voice stabilized and Manifest held up best among the freshman series. The Voice delivered 9.9 million total viewers and a 2.0 demo rating, adding a few eyeballs week-to-week while holding in the demo. Manifest (8.5 mil/1.8) slipped 18 percent from its strong […]

Mexican leaders are not optimistic about Jared Kushner’s diplomatic visit: ‘He is very weakened and he is going to get weaker’

REUTERS/Lucas Jackson Senior White House advisor Jared Kushner began a visit to Mexico on Wednesday to try to fix rifts over trade, drugs and immigration. Mexican diplomats and opposition leaders said that although Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, is seen in Mexico as dovish, tensions are running high. Kushner is also perceived in Mexico as having lost power in the […]

Why Steve Mnuchin’s comments about a weaker dollar ignore a key part of America’s economic strength

Thomson Reuters Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin touted the benefits of a weak dollar, causing a commotion in currency markets. The president himself was forced to echo the Treasury’s long-standing strong-dollar mantra, but the US currency continued to fall. Lawrence Summers, former Treasury Secretary under President Bill Clinton, wrote in a Washington Post op-ed that Mnuchin’s […]

The protests in Iran appear to be dying down — but they’re a sign the regime is getting weaker

Associated Press The protests in Iran appear to be dying down, as fewer protests were reported on Tuesday night. Iran’s Revolutionary Guard were deployed to three provinces on Wednesday. Iran adeptly seems to be judiciously quelling the unrest — but it will also weaken the regime on many fronts. The protests in Iran appear to […]

Post-Brexit boom: UK tourism hits RECORD high with overseas travellers due to weaker pound

The report found that travellers coming to the UK spent a whopping £2.75 billion on their visit. Overseas visitors travelling to Britain hit four million in July for the first time ever, with UK residents deciding to stay in the country instead of going abroad falling by two per cent. Staycation holidays on the rise […]

2018 Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0T and 2.2D Euro-Spec: Does It Still Excite with Weaker Engines?

– The more mountainous parts of Italy have previously offered inspiration to those hard-working marketeers responsible for naming new models, but it’s been a while since the muse struck. The Ford Cortina and the Triumph Dolomite, however, have been joined by a new Italian in the shape of the Alfa Romeo Stelvio, an SUV that’s […]

Women are ‘smaller, weaker, less intelligent’ & should be paid less – Polish MEP

Since women are “smaller, weaker and less intelligent” than men they rightfully should earn less, a controversial Polish member of the European Parliament has claimed during a debate on gender pay gap, sparking an immediate and fierce backlash. To support his argument, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, a right-wing politician who represents the remote region of Silesia, claimed […]