A study tracked cancer patients using crowdfunding to pay for homeopathy. The results are troubling

A survey published in The Lancet journal tracked 220 cancer patients who turned to GoFundMe to pay for homeopathic treatment which is not based on modern science. At least 28 per cent of those patients died and research points to an increased risk of death among those who seek alternative treatments.

Leader of France’s ‘angry police’ found dead amid troubling pattern of officer suicides

A policewoman who led a group that raised awareness about violence against French officers has been found dead, amid a wave of suicides in the country’s law enforcement community. Maggy Biskupski, 36, was discovered dead in her home outside Paris, having apparently shot herself with her service weapon. She was the founder and leader of […]

Tulsi Gabbard calls out Trump’s troubling double standard on Al-Qaeda

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard marked 9/11 by pointing out that Donald Trump paid tribute to the victims of Al-Qaeda even while protecting the terrorist group’s last stronghold in Syria – sparking a range of responses online. In a tweet written on the seventeenth anniversary of the tragic terrorist attacks, Gabbard noted that “while President Trump & […]

Blue Apron’s steady decline in business, as well as its latest quarterly report, hint at a troubling trend in the meal-kit industry

Meal-kit service Blue Apron’s latest quarterly results point to a troubling trend in the industry. As this chart from Statista shows, business for the service has seen a steady decline since the beginning of 2016. The company’s eventual 2017 IPO, followed by a CEO replacement, didn’t do much to turn things around. Blue Apron’s quarterly […]

Cuba Confronts Troubling Sexualization of 5-Year-Olds

Anna Leah is barely 5, and like other girls her age, she still plays with dolls. But she already dreams of having her own photo album like her classmates and wants a “mini-Quince” party to celebrate her fifth birthday. For Latin American families, the “Quince” — 15 in Spanish — is the traditional coming-of-age party […]

China quietly pulled a propaganda film celebrating its tech giants days after the US sanctioned one of them — and it could be troubling news for Huawei

The US Department of Justice is reportedly investigating the tech company Huawei on accusations of breaching sanctions on Iran. The investigation, which sources say has been running since 2016, could anger China. Last week the US slapped restrictions on another Chinese smartphone maker, ZTE, for numerous infractions including breaching Iran sanctions. But China appears to […]

$1 TRILLION DEFICITS FOR YEARS: Westpac explains why the US budget outlook is troubling

The US government is spending more than earns, a trend that looks set to continue. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) sees US public sector debt-to-GDP rising to 96% within 10 years, up from 77% at present. Westpac Bank describes this as a “troubling fiscal outlook”. The US government is spending more than it earns, a […]

‘First Reformed’ Trailer: Ethan Hawke Has a Troubling Crisis of Faith

A24 has become one of those names that always has your attention. We sometimes don’t hear about their movies much until the trailers start rolling in, and then we’re totally on board. And that’s exactly how we feel about their forthcoming release from Paul Schrader, best known for writing Taxi Driver and directing a slew of […]

Supergirl Recap: Kara and Mon-El's Reunion Takes a Troubling Turn

Mon-El may have only been M.I.A. from Supergirl for six episodes, but he’s been busy — and not just growing a beard. VIDEOSArrowverse Crossover Extended Promo: Earth-X Nazis Crash Barry/Iris Wedding As revealed in Monday’s episode, the Prince of Daxam isn’t the same guy who disappeared into that season-finale wormhole. For starters, he’s not nearly […]