Trump would carry secret records in his jacket pocket, risking them being seen by staffers without clearance, former press secretary says

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham with then-President Donald Trump in August 2019. Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images Stephanie Grisham said she often saw former President Donald Trump "mishandle" secret records. Classified documents are meant to be rigorously guarded, with secure rooms and safes. Grisham said Trump was unconcerned by those rules and risks people […]

Google Maps Street View: Woman caught risking her life while working

The Google Maps Street View images captured a woman doing her job by cleaning windows. Where she is from is not known, although the shutters outside the windows suggest somewhere in Europe where they are popular. The woman was dressed in a purple top and blue skirt while attempting to wash the shutters. She terrifyingly […]

Car insurance SHOCK: Why you may be risking a £300 fine and having your car crushed 

Despite it being common knowledge that you need to have car insurance to operate a vehicle in the UK, hundreds of thousands of drivers are still taking risks annually. Driving without car insurance carries some hefty punishments. These include hefty fines, criminal prosecutions and, in some cases, having your car crushed. The police could hand […]

The US-led coalition in Syria is training a Kurdish-dominated ‘Border Security Force,’ risking Turkey’s anger

Thomson Reuters The US-led coalition in Syria is training a new “Border Security Force” of SDF fighters. The Kurdish-dominated force has furthered Turkey’s anger towards the US. The BSF will provide border security by securing checkpoints and conducting counter-IED operations.   The U.S.-led coalition is working with its Syrian militia allies to set up a […]

Millions of drivers risking £100 fine and three penalty points on the motorway everyday

A new study has revealed that millions of motorway drivers could be potentially putting themselves at risk of landing a £100 and three penalty points. The data from Direct Line Car Insurance reveals that an average of half (50 per cent) of all vehicles travel in the middle lane and 27 per cent travel in […]

YOU should check your number plate NOW as you could be risking £1,000 fine, here's why

Drivers are being warned that they can face a fine of £1,000 if their car’s number plate is obscured by dirt or grime.  Keeping your car clean can often be impossible with sudden changes in weather and while there is no law saying drivers should wash their vehicles,  there is one that requires the number […]

Meet the Woman Risking It All for the Perfect Shot

As any photographer knows, every location presents trials — light, frame, aperture, just for starters — but Lucinda Grange has taken on a different set of challenges, and honed unusual skills for negotiating her most difficult shoots, skills more typically associated with mountain goats, or spiders. Six years ago, Grange persuaded a friend to see […]

HOLIDAY WARNING: Britons risking deadly disease outbreak in Europe Christmas markets

Britons travelling to Europe over the festive season are at risk of contracting measles after a huge outbreak has plagued many of the countries. Many travellers may be choosing to visit a Christmas market abroad with all the family without realising the possible dangers of catching the disease. Public Health England (PHE) has issued a […]