John Bercow savaged as furious Britons tear apart ex-Speaker’s peerage claim – ‘Earn it!’

The former speaker was criticised by members of the public who believed he had not earned the right to become a peer. It is a tradition for former Speakers to enter the House of Lords however Mr Bercow is yet to be provided with a peerage. Jeremy Corbyn has nominated Mr Bercow for the position. […]

Benidorm EXODUS: Britons are FLEEING Benidorm as hotels see drastic FALL in holidays

Figures released by local hotel association Hosbec show the number of overnight stays in the famous Costa Blanca holiday resort by Brit tourists last year plummeted by 454,000. The drop represented an eight per cent fall, although the five million overnight stays registered by UK visitors still made Britain Benidorm’s number one foreign tourist market. […]

BBC UK weather forecast: Britons issued startling ICE WARNING as temperatures nosedive

Ice poses a real risk to commuters today as some overnight rain has frozen on surfaces such as roads, pavements and tracks. However, many places will remain dry and bright, although outbreaks of rain are likely throughout the day. Northern Ireland and northern counties of northern England are going to have the best of the […]

Turkey visa application to change for Britons next week – these are the new rules

Turkey is changing the way visas are purchased on Monday 29 October. Until this date travellers could buy an e-visa at Turkish airports or in designated Wi-Fi areas. From Monday, tourists and business travellers will have to apply for an e-visa before they travel. Kiosks and designated areas to buy the travel document will no […]

Brexit: Britons need to renew their passport NOW if they have this much time left valid

Brexit will affect all Britons if a no-deal exit from the European Union (EU) takes place next year. One way in which it will impact Britons is what will happen to British passports from March. Last month the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) updated their travel advice for British passport holders in the unlikely […]

Paris knife attack: What happened and is it safe? Latest update as two Britons stabbed

The knife attack in Paris took place late last night in the Quai de la Loire district of the city. A man was arrested following the incident in the French capital after attacking seven people, two thought to be British tourists who have chest and head injuries according to French media. According to French police, […]

'It is DEMOCRATIC!' Dragons' Den star calls for Britons to have SECOND Brexit vote

The businesswoman, who supports Remaining in the European Union, claimed a no deal Brexit would be “catastrophic” before claiming “very few people” voted for the “mess” Britain is in in its negotiations. Speaking on ITV’s Loose Women, Ms Meaden said: “I respect democracy and I value a democracy beyond anything. So I actually started out […]