John Bercow savaged as furious Britons tear apart ex-Speaker’s peerage claim – ‘Earn it!’

The former speaker was criticised by members of the public who believed he had not earned the right to become a peer. It is a tradition for former Speakers to enter the House of Lords however Mr Bercow is yet to be provided with a peerage. Jeremy Corbyn has nominated Mr Bercow for the position. […]

‘What are you talking about?’ Furious ITV GMB row erupts as guests clash on Farage peerage

Mr Bridgen and Dr Mos-Shogbamimu were asked by host Kate Garraway if they thought Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage should be given a peerage. Dr Mos-Shogbamimu was unequivocal in her condemnation of the leading Brexiteer. But fellow Brexiteer Mr Bridgen thought Mr Farage should be given the honour in order to help “heal” divides in the […]

Will peerage laws change for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s children?

Meghan Markle was praised for being the first bi-racial woman to marry into the Royal Family, for having a career that made her worth £5 million and for being a feminist. The Duchess of Sussex’s webpage on the royal site points to her proud advocacy for female empowerment. It features her quote: “I am proud […]