Bercow lashes out at those accusing him of bullying by attacking them for being ‘entitled’

The former Speaker slammed his accusers as “entitled people” that felt they should have it their way.  During an interview on the BBC’s The One Show, Mr Bercow was also grilled about the savage comments he made regarding former Prime Ministers David Cameron and Theresa May in his book.  Speaking regarding Bercow’s book the BBC’s […]

John Bercow savaged as furious Britons tear apart ex-Speaker’s peerage claim – ‘Earn it!’

The former speaker was criticised by members of the public who believed he had not earned the right to become a peer. It is a tradition for former Speakers to enter the House of Lords however Mr Bercow is yet to be provided with a peerage. Jeremy Corbyn has nominated Mr Bercow for the position. […]