Eccentric Japanese billionaire earns retweet world record with $92mn giveaway

Japanese billionaire and clothing retail tycoon Yusaku Maezawa has clinched the top spot for most retweeted tweet of all time, using the tried and trusted ‘free cash’ method. The eccentric founder of Zozo Inc., originally a drummer in a punk band, promised to give out 100 million yen ($ 925,000) in cash prizes to a […]

MPs retweet claim that Porton Down scientists can’t identify nerve agent as Russian

Several MPs have retweeted claims that scientists at the British lab investigating the poisoning of ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter are actually struggling to identify the source of the nerve agent used. Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan turned blogger, wrote on his website that scientists at Porton Down, the center responsible […]

How A Pro-Trump Twitter Scheme Fell Apart After A Retweet From The President

President Donald Trump on Saturday appears to have unwittingly retweeted a Twitter user who built a public profile using a network of fake identities and stolen photos to hawk pro-Trump merchandise. While vacationing at his private golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump retweeted and thanked a supporter he referred to as “Nicole,” who appeared […]

No, Twitter won’t add an edit button if you retweet some dude

It’s a strange age when one person can retweet their way to a lifetime of free Wendy’s nuggets, but some social media messages just can’t be amplified into making change. Especially when they’re fake. In case there was any doubt, Twitter has confirmed that the supposed screenshot promising an ‘edit tweet’ function if a message […]