Instinct Series Finale Recap: Did a Nerve Agent End Dylan’s Career?

RELATED STORIES Instinct aired its Season 2 and, as it turns out, series finale on Sunday night, a little over a week after CBS cancelled the procedural. The Case of the Week found Dylan and Lizzie puzzling over a total of four severed heads found in Turtle Pond, all in various states of decay/bloat. Their […]

Policeman evaluated in Salisbury hospital over nerve agent exposure

Published time: 7 Jul, 2018 20:21 A British police officer has been hospitalized over concerns about potential exposure to the same substance, which was used to poison Sergei Skripal and his daughter in March. A police officer is being evaluated at the Salisbury District Hospital for possible Novichok Nerve Agent exposure — Strategic Sentinel […]

Novichok is a ‘dangerous and sophisticated’ Soviet-era nerve agent — here’s how it works and why it’s so lethal

Peter Nicholls/Reuters A man and woman who were sickened after coming into contact with the nerve agent Novichok are in critical condition in the UK. The couple has been identified as Charlie Rowley, 45, and Dawn Sturgess, 44. The poisonings happened on Saturday, near the site of a March incident in which Novichok was likely used […]

UK medics treated Skripals for opioid overdose until Porton Down tests showed nerve agent poisoning

The medical team at Sainsbury Hospital were treating the Skripals for opioid overdose without any extra precautions, until UK chemical weapon experts “confirmed” nerve agent poisoning and “advised” them on treatment, BBC reports. Staff at Salisbury District Hospital say that former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, who were found unconscious on a […]

A secretive Russian military lab has been named as the source of the nerve agent used on ex-spy Sergei Skripal

Google Maps The nerve agent used on Sergei and Yulia Skripal has been traced to a specific Russian lab, according to media reports. The Times newspaper named Shikhany military base as the source of the chemical. Britain has not officially identified the location, but has said it has strong intelligence linking the chemical — called Novichok […]

UK Foreign Office denies claiming nerve agent from Russia, despite tweet and Boris Johnson interview

The UK Foreign Office denies claiming the nerve agent used in the Salisbury poisoning of the Skripals came directly from Russia. Despite admitting it sent a tweet saying exactly that, and Boris Johnson making the same claim. The UK Foreign Office has admitted it deleted the tweet which directly stated that the nerve agent, identified […]

British military scientists can’t prove that the nerve agent used to poison Sergei Skripal was made in Russia

Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images British military scientists identified the nerve agent used to poison ex-spy Sergei Skripal was Novichok, but have not verified where exactly it was made. Gary Aitkenhead, chief executive at Porton Down, told Sky News it was “not our job” to specify the source of the poison. However, he said that Novichok […]

Here are all the countries kicking out Russian diplomats over the Sergei Skripal nerve agent attack

AP/BBC Newsnight More than 20 countries have expelled Russian diplomats in retaliation for the poisoning of ex-spy Sergei Skripal with nerve agent in Salisbury, southern England. The nations joined Britain in blaming Russia for the attempted assassination on March 4, which was the first offensive use of nerve agent in Europe since World War II. […]

EU leaders agree with Theresa May that Russia was behind the Sergei Skripal nerve agent attack

Dan Kitwood/Getty Images EU leaders are joining Theresa May in blaming Russia for the Sergei Skripal poisoning. It’s a big win for the British Prime Minister, and opens the door to further retaliation against Russia. Sergei Skripal, a former Russian spy, remains in a coma after the nerve agent attack in Salisbury, England, as does […]

All the theories Russia is pushing to claim they weren’t behind the nerve agent attack on a former spy in the UK

Britain has accused Russia of trying to kill former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter with a deadly nerve agent — but the Kremlin is fighting back. The UK blamed Russia partly on the grounds that Novichok, the poison used in the attack, was developed in the former Soviet Union. Allies including the US, France, […]