Section 8’s Christian Sesma on how ’80s movies influenced his filmmaking

Christian Sesma is an ’80s kid, which explains why he’s eager to mention Aliens, Die Hard, and Indiana Jones as influential movies in his career. Sesma wants to create mainstream entertainment, and his latest directed film, Section 8, falls in line with those interests. In Section 8, Ryan Kwanten plays Jake Atherton, an ex-special forces soldier struggling […]

A Woman’s Paycheck Is Influenced by Her Hometown—Even If She Doesn’t Live There Anymore

At this point, the fact that women in the United States earn about about 80 cents to each dollar earned by men is so commonly known that it’s become both a perverse, if slightly tired, punch line and a litmus test in the culture wars. But there’s plenty of variation under that top-line statistic. The […]

How Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’ Influenced ‘Star Wars’

(Welcome to The Movies That Made Star Wars, a series where we explore the films that inspired George Lucas’ iconic universe. In this edition: Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpiece Psycho.) Alfred Hitchcock was a master of suspense and one of the masterpieces of his oeuvre was the 1960 film Psycho, starring Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh. From […]

Bill Hader and Alec Berg on How ‘Fargo’ and ‘Boogie Nights’ Influenced ‘Barry’ [Interview]

Imagine you’re staring down the barrel of a gun, and the man pulling the trigger is the guy who played Stefon on Saturday Night Live. Of course in the world of Barry, no one knows Bill Hader from TV and he’s playing Barry, a professional hitman. On a job in L.A., Barry discovers an acting […]

12 children’s books that influenced highly successful people

Brian Ach/AP Images We all have our favorite children’s books that have shaped who we are. Even highly successful people can appreciate the enduring impact various childhood stories have had on their lives. Here are the 12 best and most influential children’s books, according to some highly successful people. ‘The Harry Potter’ Series by J.K. Rowling Scholastic A […]

'We were influenced by Pope Francis,' say men who vandalized Australian war memorial

Four Australians who were found guilty of vandalism for removing a brass sword from a war memorial told a court that their actions were inspired by Pope Francis, referencing a message in which the pontiff said that religion cannot be used to justify war. The men were convicted on Monday of vandalizing the memorial – […]

Star Wars 8: Mark Hamill reveals how Alec Guinness Obi-Wan Kenobi influenced The Last Jedi

Star Wars fans will have noticed a few parallels between the original trilogy and the new sequel trilogy. Back in 1977’s A New Hope it was Sir Alec’s Obi-Wan who played mentor to a young Luke Skywalker. Now however the upcoming The Last Jedi will see Hamill’s character become the older Jedi who his apprentice […]

Edgar Wright Gushes About 10 Movies That Influenced ‘Baby Driver’: Part 2

Leading up to the release of Baby Driver, director Edgar Wright was a guest programmer at the British Film Institute for a series of films under the banner Car Car Land. The filmmaker rounded up 10 of the movies that influenced Baby Driver in some way for cinephiles in London to enjoy. Since not everyone […]

FBI’s Comey says he is “mildly nauseous” to think he influenced election

Enlarge / FBI Director James Comey testifies Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. (credit: Jim Watson/Getty Images) FBI Director James Comey told a Senate panel on Wednesday that it would have been “catastrophic” for the bureau to not have disclosed in October, just 11 days before the presidential election, […]