Taiwan created a successful health-care system by learning from Canada. We should now be learning from them

Canada should emulate the process Taiwanese officials used to achieve their health care success, a process of mobilizing the world’s knowledge and relying on a diverse group of experts to create effective policy solutions, according to Harmeet Nanner.

Sarah Cooper’s How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings Adaptation Among CBS Pilot Orders

RELATED STORIES CBS has ordered a pair of comedy pilots for the 2021 development season, including one inspired by viral comedian Sarah Cooper‘s 2018 book How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings, TVLine has learned. The untitled pilot, which Cooper is co-writing with showrunner Cindy Chupack follows “three women at different stages in their […]

Chicago Fire/P.D. Crossover Recap: The Key to a Successful Team-Up

The #OneChicago franchise’s latest crossover between Fire and P.D. on Wednesday night took a different approach. Rather than centering around an explosive emergency, the two-parter finds the firefighters and detectives teaming up to solve a criminal mystery. After a series of robberies are tied to missing lockbox keys, Voight enlists Cruz to go undercover at […]

New Horizons has a successful flyby of the Kuiper Belt’s bowling pin

Enlarge (credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI; sketch courtesy of James Tuttle Keane) While people around the world were celebrating the arrival of 2019, people at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland were hard at work. Billions of miles away, the New Horizons probe was flying past Ultima Thule, a small object in the Kuiper Belt. By […]

This 10-year-old coder is already so successful she’s already caught the attention of Google and Microsoft

Samaira Mehta 10-year-old Samaira Mehta has become a kid-coder-to-watch in Silicon Valley. When she was just eight and she built a game called CoderBunnyz to help teach other kids how to code. The game earned her national recognition and she began holding workshops for kids, many of them at Google. Google was so impressed, it […]

15 Successful People with Autism Who Have Inspired Millions of People

There are those who merely roll over and accept whatever hand fate deals them as the perfect excuse to settle for mediocrity. Then, there are the other type of people: The inspirational figures. The highly successful leaders, innovators and creators. The heroes who take what other people would see as a limitation and turn it […]

European offshore wind giant buys US‘ most successful offshore wind company

Enlarge / Gode wind farm off the coast of Germany. (credit: Ørsted) One of the biggest offshore wind developers in Europe, a Danish company called Ørsted, purchased US offshore wind developer Deepwater Wind on Monday. The move suggests confidence in an expanding US offshore wind industry. There are more than 15 gigawatts (GW) of offshore […]

How to Be a Successful Entrepreneur (15 Powerful Actions to Take Today)

The allure of being your own boss, along with the no-ceiling income that comes along with it is hard for most people to resist. However, more often than not, the odds will be stacked against you and that’s why 9 out of 10 startups fail, according to Fortune.((Fortune: Why startups fail, according to their founders))But what […]