Riverdale’s Vanessa Morgan takes a stand for her Black co-stars ‘Not being quiet anymore’

Demonstrations across the United States have been taking place after 46-year-old George Floyd was killed after being kneeled on by a police officer for over eight minutes. Cole Sprouse clarified: “It needs to be stated that as a straight white man, and a public figure, the institutional consequences of my detainment are nothing in comparison […]

Ben Elton exclusive: ‘It’s a myth you can’t speak freely anymore’

Stand-up legend Ben Elton (Image: DAVID LEVENE / EYEVINE, BBC) Although it happens after our meeting, the Stewart-Shakespeare brouhaha seems in keeping with our conversation.  While concerned at the modern tendency to take offence, the stand-up legend, Shakespeare superfan and Upstart Crow creator strongly believes context is king when it comes to free speech. Unlike […]

Is Supergirl Even Trying to Hide Her Secret Identity Anymore?

It’s kind of ironic that so much of Supergirl‘s fourth season has focused on Kara’s struggle to conceal her secret identity from her enemies, because if you look at her recent behavior, it doesn’t seem like she’s trying very hard at all. Before we get too deep into this, here’s a quick disclaimer: I understand […]

Start-Ups Aren’t Cool Anymore

At happy hours and class breaks, at the part-time MBA program I attend through the University of Texas at Austin, the conversation often drifts toward new business ideas. A mobile app to schedule text messages in the future. (Use case: Compose your best friend’s happy birthday text the day before.) A social network that doesn’t […]

Michael Bublé says he is quitting music following his son’s cancer battle: ‘I don’t have the stomach for it anymore’

Cameron Spencer/GettyImages Michael Bublé told the Daily Mail that he’s quitting the music industry following his son’s heartbreaking battle with liver cancer.  Bublé also said he was done with social media and doesn’t want anything to do with “celebrity narcissism.” His new and likely final album, “Love,” is set to be released November 16. In an […]

Companies Aren’t Going Public Anymore

Tyler Comrie One week this summer, the Nasdaq stock market listed five recent initial public offerings, including Sonos, the home-audio company, and Vaccinex, which makes a promising cancer drug. That same week, an investor looking at Nasdaq’s Listing Center would have seen the names of 16 stocks set to disappear. The reasons for the delistings […]

Lost? Not anymore: The app that can find places that don’t have an address

Lottie Gross September 26, 2018 Share this article Forever getting lost? This game-changing app is mapping the world—every three square meters at a time—meaning you can find your way even in places without street signs. “Meet at Valero Square” the instructions said. It sounded so simple, but was easier said than done. I stood there, […]

‘Our hands are not tied’ anymore: White House approves offensive US cyber strategy

US President Donald Trump has signed off on a new cyber strategy – the first such document in 15 years – outlining defensive priorities and threatening offensive action against foreign hackers. “Today the president signed a national cyber strategy, the first fully articulated cyber strategy in 15 years,” National Security Adviser John Bolton told reporters […]

A Woman’s Paycheck Is Influenced by Her Hometown—Even If She Doesn’t Live There Anymore

At this point, the fact that women in the United States earn about about 80 cents to each dollar earned by men is so commonly known that it’s become both a perverse, if slightly tired, punch line and a litmus test in the culture wars. But there’s plenty of variation under that top-line statistic. The […]