LastPass was hacked, but it says no user data was compromised

In August, LastPass had admitted that an "unauthorized party" gained entry into its system. Any news about a password manager getting hacked can be alarming, but the company is now reassuring its users that their logins and other information weren't compromised in the event. In his latest update about the incident, LastPass CEO Karim Toubba […]

Coronation Street spoilers: Sally Metcalfe's freedom COMPROMISED as Tim makes big mistake?

Sally Metcalfe (played by Sally Dynevor) was sent to prison after being found guilty at her fraud trial earlier this year, but her husband Tim Metcalfe (Joe Duttine) has promised to get her out. Tim is hoping to find evidence which proves Duncan Radfield (Nicholas Gleaves) conned the former Weatherfield Mayor into handing over £40,000 […]

Here’s how to see if you’re among the 30 million compromised Facebook users

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | NurPhoto ) The attackers who carried out the mass hack that Facebook disclosed two weeks ago obtained user account data belonging to as many as 30 million users, the social network said on Friday. Some of that data—including phone numbers, email addresses, birth dates, searches, location check-ins, and the types […]

Yahoo hacker whose work compromised 500M accounts sentenced to 5 years

Enlarge / Yahoo! Inc. signage is displayed at the company’s headquarters in Sunnyvale, California in 2016. (credit: Noah Berger/Bloomberg via Getty Images) The Canadian man who pled guilty last year to a massive spear-phishing operation of Yahoo employees—which ultimately resulted in 500 million accounts being compromised—has been sentenced to five years in prison. Karim Baratov, […]

Russia is said to have compromised election systems in 7 US states

David McNew/Getty Images U.S. intelligence had evidence that voter registration systems or websites in seven states — Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Texas and Wisconsin — were compromised by Russian-backed operatives before the 2016 election but never told the states. In a statement, the Department of Homeland Security called the report “factually inaccurate and misleading.” While officials in Washington told […]

Strava CEO responds after the company’s heat map may have compromised secret US military bases around the world

Strava Heat Map Strava CEO James Quarles released a statement following the publication of a fitness tracker heat map that may have exposed US military bases and sensitive humanitarian aide sites around the world. Quarles said he would work with the military and government to address potentially sensitive data, although it’s unclear how, since the data […]

A map of fitness tracker data may have just compromised top secret US military bases around the world

An interactive heatmap from Strava appears to have exposed sensitive sites. Hackers or state actors could use the information to find bases. Chinese, Taiwanese, and other nations’ bases were exposed too, but as the US has the biggest global presence, it stands the most to lose. Over the weekend a company called Strava, a social […]

US military bases & patrol routes compromised by fitness tracker map

Terrorists, militants and other irregular forces who don’t use jogging apps may have a tactical advantage after a worldwide heatmap by fitness tracking app Strava exposed the possible locations of hi-tech force deployments. When the San Francisco-based startup published its map of more than one billion jogging and cycling routes late last year, it promised […]

Tech firms allowed Russia to probe their software, and now many US government agencies could be compromised

Kirill Kudryavtsev/Pool Photo via AP Major global technology providers allowed Russian authorities to probe their software, which is deeply embeded across the US government. The practice may have jeopardized the security of at least a dozen federal agencies. The potential risks to the US government from Russian involvement in the systems is widespread, the Reuters […]