10 Great Additions to Your Workout Routine

At some point, your workout routine may get monotonous, and this may demotivate you from exercising to keep yourself fit. Modifying or adding new exercises to your workout routine can help you get better results and avoid monotony. The following ten additions are usually underrated but are excellent ways to maintain your mental and physical […]

5 Ways Poor Diet May Increase Coronavirus Severity

Source Coronavirus should be called the Standard American Diet flu. The diet is perfectly designed to make American’s who’ve dutifully followed the food pyramid sick. America is like a hot dog stand. COVID is like Joey Chestnut.  We’ve created the perfect backdrop for this disease to thrive. If you build a house out of sand […]

The Best Way To Get in Shape During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Out of the blue, the novel coronavirus appeared in late 2019 and took over the world. Stay-at-home policies are changing our lifestyle, whether we like it or not. However, it’s imperative not to be looking at the quarantine as a vacation. If you are staying home and have some extra time on your hands, why […]

Speeding up Fitness Recovery with CBD

Article was originally published on SundayScaries. Everyone’s talking about CBD. So, what gives? Well, quite a lot actually. Far from just being the health, well-being and fitness fad of the moment, this natural oil has plenty of proven benefits going for it. Like the fact that there’s scientific proof that it’s anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety, great for your […]

Hitman convicted thanks to fitness watch location data

An alleged hitman has learned hard lessons about the the value of GPS data on fitness watches. A Liverpool jury has found Mark Fellows guilty of the 2015 murder of mob boss Paul Massey in part thanks to location info from the accused’s Garmin Forerunner. An expert inspecting the watch’s info discovered that Fellows had […]

Fitness in your home à la Netflix: On-demand, unlimited subscription classes

Instead of a subscription to stream TV and movies on demand, a growing number of companies want to sell you a subscription for on-demand, unlimited fitness sessions. Peloton, Echelon and Fly Anywhere are three U.S. companies that want to cater to Canadians with a convenient way to work out.

Withings Steel HR Sport review: A slick watch and tracker, but not for serious fitness junkies

REVIEW: Wearables company Withings returned from the grave last month with its first new product since Nokia ditched the brand it had acquired in a $ 192 million deal back in 2016. It’s been a whirlwind year for Withings, with cofounder Éric Carreel entering the fray to buy his company back from Nokia in May. Fast-forward to September, when […]

Privacy experts say choosing life insurance tied to fitness tracking could have unintended consequences

Insurance giant John Hancock has announced a switch to ‘interactive’ life-insurance policies only, which offer incentives for things like wearing a fitness tracking device. Privacy experts worry these optional programs won’t be optional don’t the road.

Want life insurance? You may want to track your fitness, says John Hancock

John Hancock, one of the oldest and largest North American life insurers, will stop underwriting traditional life insurance and instead sell only interactive policies that include optional fitness tracking through tools including wearable devices and smartphones, the company said on Wednesday.