Visceral fat: Certain amount of protein needed with every meal to burn belly fat – expert

HAVING visceral fat is necessary to keep our bodies functioning properly. Unlike subcutaneous fat, which you can see under the skin, visceral fat is stored deep in the belly – acting as protection and insulation for our organs. However, too much of it can be harmful.

American Horror Story: Apocalypse Recap: What a Lovely Way to Burn (Plus, Which Witch Returned?)

Armed with the knowledge that their new leader is, in fact, the Antichrist, the witches turned to a few old friends — and frenemies, naturally — on Wednesday’s episode of American Horror Story: Apocalypse. Cordelia’s efforts took her to Dinah Stevens’ house, where a cool $ 100,000 earned her a visit with that shadowy slice […]

'F*CK. YOU. ALL': Google 'design lead' wishes for Republicans to burn in hell in Twitter outburst

An apparent senior Google employee went on an expletive-laden rant against GOP lawmakers who’d voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court. ‘F*CK. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL,’ the designer wrote, before deleting the tweet. While Google continues to pride itself on being nominally politically unbiased, some of its employees don’t appear to bother […]

Elon Musk says “Don’t worry about Tesla’s burn rate!” He might be right

Enlarge / Elon Musk speaks at the 68th International Astronautical Congress 2017 in Adelaide on September 29, 2017. (credit: PETER PARKS/AFP/Getty Images) A lot of people are worried about how quickly Tesla is burning through cash. In a Monday story, Bloomberg extrapolated Tesla’s recent cash burn rate—$ 3.48 billion over the last 12 months, or […]

Tour sponsor’s brutal Aussie burn

AUSTRALIA stares down the barrel of a historic throbbing on South African soil after wrapping up day two in a compromising position. The tourists struggled to dismiss the Proteas in the first session as the home side’s tail wagged to an imposing 488 total with the help of Temba Bavuma (95*) and Keshav Maharaj (45). […]

Ukrainian radicals storm Russian cultural center in Kiev, burn Russian flag (PHOTOS)

Ukrainian right-wing extremists have burst into the building of the Russian international cultural agency in Kiev. The radicals burnt a Russian flag and wreaked havoc in the facility at a time when “children were there.” The intruders also vandalized an exhibition dedicated to the famous Russian opera singer, Feodor Chaliapin, Rossotrudnichestvo – the cultural agency in […]

Standing up at work may help burn calories — but there’s a better way to avoid the harms of sitting all day

Flickr / Alba García Aguado Sitting all day is terrible for you, and even working out regularly isn’t enough to counteract the harm it causes. Standing desks have been portrayed as a way to counteract the risks of sitting, and a new study claims standing at desk could help you lose weight. The real solution, […]