Ron DeSantis thinks Chris Christie ‘missed his moment’ by skipping a 2012 White House bid, report says

Former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey. AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File DeSantis thinks Chris Christie "missed his moment" in running for the White House in 2016, per WaPo. Christie passed on a 2012 campaign and opted to run in 2016, where he faced Donald Trump. DeSantis is up for reelection in November and could potentially […]

Texas newspaper that endorsed Ted Cruz in 2012 is now throwing its support behind Democrat Beto O’Rourke for the midterm election

Tom Fox/The Dallas Morning News via AP, Pool, File The Houston Chronicle has endorsed Democrat Beto O’Rourke for US Senate in Texas over the Republican incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz. The newspaper endorsed Cruz in 2012, but this time around, it had some harsh words for the junior senator, saying Cruz has “exhibited little interest in […]

PC market appears to have grown for the first time since 2012

Enlarge (credit: Thomas Claveirole) PC sales were up year-on-year in the second quarter of 2018, the first such increase since the first quarter of 2012. Market research firms Gartner and IDC both reported growth in the market, of 1.4 and 2.7 percent, respectively. The two companies track numbers differently: Gartner includes Windows-based tablets but excludes […]

Property news: House prices see biggest DIP since 2012

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics) said a net balance of 8 per cent of surveyors reported prices falling rather than rising in April – the most negative figure since November 2012, albeit only a slight decline. Price falls in London are heavily weighing down the overall price growth reading across the UK. Rics said that […]

AT&T wants you to forget that it blocked FaceTime over cellular in 2012

(credit: Aurich Lawson) AT&T’s push to end net neutrality rules continued yesterday in a blog post that says the company has never blocked third-party applications and that it won’t do so even after the rules are gone. Just one problem: the blog post fails to mention that AT&T blocked Apple’s FaceTime video chat application on iPhones […]

Disqus reveals it suffered a security breach in 2012

Another day, another security breach (and another, and another…). This time it’s Disqus, which is revealing that in 2012 — around the time when Engadget used Disqus for comments — hackers made off with some of its data, covering a snapshot of usernames and associated email addresses dating back to 2007, as well as “sign-up […]

‘Missing’ Asteroid 2012 TC4 spotted ahead of Earth flyby in October

Published time: 10 Aug, 2017 20:05 An asteroid set to whizz past Earth in October will miss our planet by 44,000 kilometers, according to new observations which spotted the wandering space rock for the first time in five years. Asteroid 2012 TC4 was discovered in 2012 by the Pan-STARRS observatory in Hawaii. During the original […]

South Korean spy agency ‘hacked’ country’s 2012 presidential race

Published time: 5 Aug, 2017 05:31 South Korean politicians have condemned the psychological warfare conducted by the National Intelligence Service (NIS) in the 2012 presidential race that was aimed at manipulating voters in an attempt to secure now-impeached Park Geun-hye’s victory. On Thursday, an internal probe of the South Korean spy agency revealed that from […]

Afghanistan civilian deaths hit record highs as US airstrikes reach 2012 levels

The US Air Force has used the same number of munitions in the first half of 2017 as they used at the same point in 2012. At the same time, the number of missions has decreased and the number of civilian deaths has increased. The US and coalition forces have expended 1,634 munitions in Afghanistan […]