DART goes silent after hitting an asteroid [Update]

Enlarge / One of the last images from DART. (credit: NASA/APL) Update, 10:30: If this is an indication of the quality of the images we should expect over the next several days, we’re in for a treat. ATLAS observations of the DART spacecraft impact at Didymos! pic.twitter.com/26IKwB9VSo — ATLAS Project (@fallingstarIfA) September 27, 2022 Original article […]

NASA successfully smacked its DART spacecraft into an asteroid

After nearly a year in transit, NASA's experimental Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, which sought to answer the questions, "Could you potentially shove a asteroid off its planet-killing trajectory by hitting it with a specially designed satellite? How about several?" has successfully collided with the Dimorphos asteroid. Results and data from the collision are […]

How to watch NASA slam a spacecraft into an asteroid tomorrow

NOTE: NASA is offering two feeds of the event — read on for more details. NASA is about to deliberately crash a spacecraft into a distant asteroid in a first-of-its-kind planetary defense test. The hope is that by slamming a spacecraft into an asteroid at a speed of around 15,000 mph, we can alter its […]

NASA’s DART spacecraft gets its first glimpse of target asteroid

NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft has caught its first glimpse of the asteroid that it’s set to slam into on September 26. The Dimorphos asteroid poses no threat to Earth, but NASA wants to find out if it can change an asteroid’s flight path by crashing a spacecraft into it so that it […]

Japan’s Hayabusa2 lands on asteroid Ryugu to collect samples

Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft has successfully touched down on the surface of asteroid Ryugu to accomplish one of its ultimate goals: collect samples for scientists back on Earth. The probe has briefly landed on the asteroid to fire a bullet into its surface and kick up dust, rocks and any other debris that it can collect. […]

NASA’s daring asteroid mission unfurls its sampling arm for the first time

Enlarge / This image, taken Wednesday, shows the OSIRIS-REx Touch-and-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism sampling head extended from the spacecraft at the end of the robotic arm. (credit: NASA) NASA officials confirmed Friday that a test of a key component of the space agency’s mission to sample an asteroid was completed successfully. On Wednesday, for the […]

Blockchain company buys asteroid mining firm Planetary Resources

Planetary Resources just took an unusual turn on its path to asteroic mining. ConsenSys, a blockchain company created by Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin, has bought Planetary Resources for an unspecified sum. It sounds supremely trendy given the combination of blockchain and private spaceflight, but it’sa logical fit if you ask Planetary Resources’ Brian Israel. Blockchain-based […]

Mysterious interstellar asteroid could be a solar sail from wrecked alien probe, astronomers say

Interstellar mystery rock Oumuamua might have been part of an alien reconnaissance mission, according to two Harvard Smithsonian astronomers who saw in the strange object signs it could be a light-driven probe. As the strange rock moved out of our solar system last September, it sped up instead of slowing down as would be expected. […]