Astronomers detect more mystery radio bursts from beyond the Milky Way

Sure enough, astronomers have discovered even more of those mysterious fast radio bursts from outside the Milky Way galaxy. Scientists using the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) telescope have detected 13 different radio bursts, including six repeat bursts from the same location in a galaxy 1.5 billion light years away. Each of those bursts […]

Mysterious interstellar asteroid could be a solar sail from wrecked alien probe, astronomers say

Interstellar mystery rock Oumuamua might have been part of an alien reconnaissance mission, according to two Harvard Smithsonian astronomers who saw in the strange object signs it could be a light-driven probe. As the strange rock moved out of our solar system last September, it sped up instead of slowing down as would be expected. […]

Astronomers detect light from first-ever stars in pioneering discovery (VIDEO

Astronomers have discovered evidence of the first light in the universe, believed to have emanated from the earliest stars. It all happened some 180 million years after the Big Bang. The remarkable breakthrough was made using a simple but high-tech antenna in the remote Western Australia outback to detect radio signals from the first stars. […]

Astronomers have discovered a bizarre-looking object that came from outside our solar system

Astronomers recently discovered a bizarre-looking object in our solar system that’s unlike anything they’ve ever seen before. It’s so peculiar that astronomers think it’s not even from our solar system. They’ve dubbed this mysterious interstellar asteroid “Oumuamua.” Following is a transcript of the video. This asteroid is not from around here. Turns out, it came from […]

‘Close shave:’ Russian astronomers visualize large asteroid flying past Earth next month (VIDEO)

Published time: 18 Nov, 2017 01:18 Edited time: 18 Nov, 2017 01:19 A team of Russian astronomers has created a detailed visual scenario of what is likely to happen when a fairly large asteroid, called 3200 Phaethon, flies past the Earth in a close shave next month. Take a sneak peek at the dazzling video. […]

Astronomers just measured a whole lot more than gravitational waves

A couple of weeks ago, the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) and Virgo teams announced the detection of another set of gravitational waves — the fourth since LIGO’s first detection in September of 2015. The observations of these ripples in spacetime are extraordinary in and of themselves, no matter how many times we record them. […]

Mars has a less dense crust than astronomers thought

Understanding the crust of a planet provides important information about the planet’s history and its interior structure. But getting details about the crust of another planet — like its thickness and density, for instance — is no simple task. However, NASA researchers have developed a new way of analyzing the crusts of our solar system […]