Regional banks are gaining ground ahead of a vote to roll back parts of Dodd-Frank

Evan Al-Amin/Shutterstock Regional bank stocks are jumping ahead of a Senate vote on whether to roll back some important elements of the Dodd-Frank Act.  The rollback would expand the number of regional banks that won’t be subject to stringent Dodd-Frank Regulation.  Watch the Spider S&P Regional Banking ETF trade in real time here.  Regional bank […]

Defying Republicans, Senate Democrats schedule vote to save net neutrality

The US Senate is scheduled to vote Wednesday, May 16 on whether to reverse the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality rules. Republican senators were hoping to avoid the vote, but Democrats are using a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to force the full Senate to vote. The CRA resolution would nullify the FCC’s […]

Corbyn attacks Trump as Labour leader demands vote for MPs before Syria strikes

Jeremy Corbyn has hit out at Donald Trump, telling the US leader that “more war will not save life.” The Labour leader’s comments come as he urges Theresa May to ensure a parliamentary vote before any military action in Syria. On Wednesday, Trump threatened on Twitter that “smart” missiles would soon be aimed at Syria, […]

UNSC to vote on probe into alleged chemical incident in Syria’s Douma (WATCH LIVE)

Published time: 10 Apr, 2018 19:20 The UN Security Council gathered in New York to weigh in on the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. It is expected to vote on the rival US and Russian draft resolutions, calling for an investigation. Russia and the US have separately requested a vote on […]

More Brits want second Brexit vote as EU official forecasts difficult transition for UK

Support for a second Brexit vote is growing, with a new poll indicating that nearly half of all Brits want a say on the final terms. The EU, however, seems to be growing used to the idea of the UK’s exit. For the first time, the broader public appear to have backed a second referendum, […]

All change? Russians divided over expectations following presidential vote

Almost half of all Russians expect major national changes within the next year, following the March presidential election. The overwhelming majority of those expecting changes said they would be for the better. According to the results of a recent poll by the state-run research center VTSIOM, 45 percent of Russians “expect significant changes in the […]

GMB: ’Did it make ANY difference?’ Vote Leave whistleblower savaged in brutal interview

Shahmir Sanni was a volunteer for Vote Leave and explained how he was a Brexiteer through and through.  However he has compiled The Cambridge Analytica Files, which detail how he believes the anti-EU campaign was actually breaking the rules.  He claims Vote Leave “coordinated” their budgets with BeLeave and thus gained an extra £625,000 on […]

‘You can’t fix stupid but you can vote it out’: Here are some of the best signs from the March for Our Lives protests

Associated Press/Alex Brandon Hundreds of thousands of protesters descended on cities across the United States and around the world on Saturday, as gun-control activists and survivors participated in the “March for Our Lives” rally. Attendees were pushing for gun reform and demanding an end to the type of violence that took the lives of 17 […]