Russia wins WTO dispute against Ukraine on railway equipment imports

A World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute panel has ruled in favour of Russia over its alleged refusal to import Ukrainian railway equipment. Railway equipment is a major export for Kiev. According to Kiev, Russia has purchased wagons, rolling stock, turnouts and other components from Ukraine since 2013. Before the relations between Moscow and Kiev deteriorated, […]

10 people, including 2 Russians, die in car crash in northwestern Ukraine – police

Ten people, including two Russian citizens, have died in a car accident in Zhitomir region, northwestern Ukraine, local police said in a statement. Nine people were injured in the crash that apparently involved a van carrying passengers and a truck. Police added that one of the Russian victims was an eight-year-old child. The car crash […]

Putin reportedly proposed holding a referendum to solve the conflict in Ukraine in his closed-door meeting with Trump

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly proposed solving the conflict in eastern Ukraine with a referendum during his one-on-one meeting with President Donald Trump.  Putin discussed the proposal in a closed-door speech on Thursday, sources in attendance told Bloomberg.  Residents in pro-Russian separatist territories would vote on whether to separate, but similar separation referendums […]

Croatian player Vida could face FIFA sanctions for ‘Glory to Ukraine!’ video after win over Russia

FIFA has opened an investigation into the incendiary video message recorded by Croatia’s Domagoj Vida and Ognjen Vukojevic, in which the two presented Croatia’s victory over Russia as a win for Ukraine. READ MORE: ‘Glory to Ukraine,’ Croatian footballer shouts in jarring ‘joke’ after win over Russia (VIDEO) “FIFA is processing the different reports of the […]

Ukraine finance minister says he was told to support corruption or resign

At the time when Kiev is seeking to get another tranche of the stalled $ 17.5 billion aid from the IMF, Ukraine’s Finance Minister Aleksandr Danylyuk is accusing Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman of corruption. Read more Danylyuk asserts that Groysman gave him a choice of supporting “political corruption” or quitting after the latter officially asked […]

Spy scandal in Ukraine: Special forces tried to recruit RIA Novosti reporter, asking to leak data

Ukrainian security forces asked a Russian journalist to spy for them and leak data on her colleagues. The Russian Foreign Ministry has condemned the incident, stating that freedom of expression in Ukraine is dead. A reporter working for RIA Novosti news agency in Lithuania, Irina Vysokovich, travelled to the Ukrainian town of Kherson to cover […]

Russian unit, GRU officer linked to 2014 shoot-down of airliner over Ukraine

Enlarge / Eliot Higgins (C), founder of online investigation group Bellingcat, addresses a press conference on findings within research on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in Scheveningen, The Netherlands, on May 25, 2018. – The Netherlands and Australia on May 25 accused Moscow of being behind the 2014 shooting down of flight MH17 over war-torn eastern […]

Musk trolls media with Pravda, confuses Ukraine and Russia

Silicon Valley magnate Elon Musk is trolling the mainstream media again, reminding them he is serious about setting up a website ranking their credibility. “Tried to buy, but Russia said no. Turns out they already use it,” Musk tweeted on Friday, linking to a domain in Ukraine.  He’s got a bunch of angry replies […]

No Russian missile system ever crossed into Ukraine: MoD rejects Dutch MH17 claims

The Russian Defense Ministry has rejected new claims that flight MH17 over Ukraine was downed by a missile from a Russian unit, urging the Dutch-led probe to focus on studying hard facts instead of social media images. “Not a single anti-aircraft missile system of the Russian Armed Forces has ever crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border,” the […]